Beşiktaş beat Konyaspor with 2 goals in the first half

Beşiktaş beat Konyaspor with 2 goals in the first half
Beşiktaş beat Konyaspor with 2 goals in the first half

In the 9th week of the league, Beşiktaş hosted Konyaspor. The match played at Tüpraş Stadium started at 16.00. Referee Kadir Sağlam blew the whistle during the fight. Abdullah Bora Özkara and Ali Can Alp were Sağlam’s assistants.

The black-whites started the match with the 11 of Mert Günok, Jonas Svensson, Emirhan Topçu, Felix Uduokhai, Arthur Masuaku, Cher Ndour, Gedson Fernandes, Ernest Muçi, Rafa Silva, Semih Kılıçsoy and Ciro Immobile. The guest team lined up on the field with their starting 11: Jakub Slowik, Nikola Boranijasevic, Adil Demirbağ, Uğurcan Yazğılı, Guilherme, Emmanuel Boateng, Riechedly Bazoer, Danijel Aleksic, Pedrinho, Yusuf Erdoğan and Blaz Kramer.

Both teams started the match in control. Beşiktaş came close to scoring in the 22nd minute. Masuaku’s cross from the left wing into the penalty area bounced off the defense and ended up in front of Semih Kılıçsoy at the back post. Semih, who controlled the ball on the right diagonal at the point close to Altıpasa, shot hard and hit the leather round defense and narrowly went to the corner. Continuing the position, in the 24th minute, the ball that goalkeeper Slowik tried to clear with his fingers in the corner taken by Masuaku fell in front of Immobile at the back post. The Italian player’s shot hit the ball and ended up in the side net. Beşiktaş won a penalty in the 28th minute. Semih Kılıçsoy, who entered the penalty area from the inner left lane after receiving a pass from Rafa Silva, remained on the ground with the intervention of Boranijasevic in defense, while referee Kadir Sağlam showed the white point without hesitation. In the 30th minute, Immobile received the ball and sent the ball to separate corners with the goalkeeper, putting his team ahead: 1-0. In the 34th minute, Gedson Fernandes received the ball from the midfield and entered the opponent’s penalty area. Gedson passed his pass to Immobile at the point overlooking the goal from the front, and as soon as he took the ball back from the Italian player, his shot from inside the penalty arc was controlled by the goalkeeper. Beşiktaş scored the second goal in the 45+2nd minute. Muçi, who intervened in Aleksic’s long pass while leaving the defense, transferred the ball to Rafa Silva in the penalty area. Facing goalkeeper Slowik, the Portuguese player shot from the ground and the ball hit the net: 2-0. Black-whites finished the first half ahead 2-0.

Konyaspor came close to scoring in the 56th minute. Guilherme’s cross from the left wing bounced off the defense and Aleksic found it in front of the ball on the left diagonal of the penalty area. Goalkeeper Mert Günok flew and cleared the ball with his feet, which Aleksic wanted to turn inside. In the continuation of the position, Kramer’s headed shot was returned from the defense, but the ball that Yusuf Erdoğan wanted to finish remained in the goalkeeper’s possession. In the 63rd minute, Muçi received the ball on the right side of the penalty area with Rafa Silva’s pass in the counterattack, and his hard shot went narrowly out of the side. Beşiktaş could not take advantage of the clear goal opportunity in the 90th minute. Onur Bulut entered the penalty area with Immobile’s pass from the right wing, and his shot was deflected by goalkeeper Slowik. Slowik once again did not allow the goal to be scored when Ndour, who was free to complete the ball returned from the goalkeeper, shot. Beşiktaş won the match 2-0 and closed the week with 3 points.

Special choreography for Republic Day

In the match where Beşiktaş hosted Konyaspor, black-white fans prepared a special choreography for the 101st anniversary of the 29 October Republic Day. The silhouette of Mustafa Kemal Atütürk was featured in the choreography that opened in the Closed Tribune. There were also articles such as ‘This is how the Republic was won’ and ‘We are the Guardians of the Republic’. On the other hand, flags with crescent and stars and posters of the Great Leader Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk were placed on all seats in Tüpraş Stadium. Before the fight, artist Norm Ender and Beşiktaş Kabataş Foundation Schools Children’s Choir gave a small concert.

2 changes from Giovanni Van Bronckhorst

Beşiktaş Coach Giovanni van Bronckhorst took his team to the field by making 2 changes, 1 of which was mandatory, in the 11th of the Gaziantep FK match. The Dutch coach brought Emirhan Topçu to the field instead of Paulista, who could not play due to his injury, and Semih Kılıçsoy instead of Joao Mario.

Semih Kılıçsoy in the starting 11 after 7 matches

Semih Kılıçsoy, the young striker of the black and white team, served in the first 11 after 7 matches. The 19-year-old young striker last played in the black-white jersey in the Lugano match played in the Europa League qualifiers. Semih Kılıçsoy later played with Sivaspor, Trabzonspor, Eyüpspor and Kayserispor in the league; In the Europa League, he was included in the game against Ajax and Frankfurt. Semih Kılıçsoy sat on the bench in the match against Gaziantep FK played before the international break and did not take part in the match.

The defender tandem has changed

In the black-white team, Paulista-Uduokhai duo usually played in the middle of the defense this season. Emirhan Topçu played in the Konyaspor match instead of Paulista, who was injured and could not continue the game in the Gaziantep FK match. In Paulista’s absence, Uduokhai served as right defender, while Emirhan served as left defender.



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