Top 14 – Clermont / Urios: “Little by little, we suffered, we gave up”

Top 14 – Clermont / Urios: “Little by little, we suffered, we gave up”
Top 14 – Clermont / Urios: “Little by little, we suffered, we gave up”

Marie Mahé, Media365, published on Sunday October 13, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

After the heavy defeat in (48-14), Christophe Urios, the Clermont coach, recognized the clear superiority of the opponent.

There was only one team on the field, or almost. This Saturday evening, as part of the sixth day of Top 14, Toulouse clearly won against Clermont (48-14). At the end of this meeting, Christophe Urios appeared in front of the press. In comments reported by the French sports daily The Teamthe current manager of Clermont could only face the facts, the gap was too big between his little protégés and the Stade Toulousain club, double reigning French champion: “ When you only defend against Toulouse, it’s not easy. There would have been a need for better conquest, better possession of the ball, better discipline. With 19 faults, it’s complicated to impose anything. I found us extremely courageous, combative, strong but today, we are not at the level of Toulouse. When their bench returned, and I’m not just talking about number 9 (Antoine Dupont), it made the difference. »

Urios: “There was a big gap”

Before continuing: “Little by little, we suffered, we gave up. We didn’t want to be foils, and that’s what ultimately came out of the match. There was a big gap. But I didn’t wait until this evening (Saturday evening) to find out. Toulouse was a good Toulouse and we played with our means today. We will get back to work to try to beat next week. » After a total of six Top 14 days already played, ASM Clermont occupies seventh place in the French rugby championship rankings.with a record of three victories and also three defeats. For the moment, the Clermontois have never been able to start a series, alternating success then setbacks. Their next meeting, in the elite, is scheduled for Saturday October 19, at 4:30 p.m., with the reception of the RC Vannes team.



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