Pink October: a month to encourage everyone to be screened for breast cancer from the age of 50

Pink October: a month to encourage everyone to be screened for breast cancer from the age of 50
Pink October: a month to encourage everyone to be screened for breast cancer from the age of 50

Where are we with breast cancer screening in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes?

Breast cancer screening is offered every two years to women aged 50 to 74 without apparent symptoms or particular risk factors. Covered by Health Insurance, this screening includes a mammogram and a clinical breast examination carried out by an approved radiologist.

Where do you think that 10.8 million women aged 50 to 74 were eligible for the organized screening program of breast cancers in 2022-2023.

The regional rate of participation in this screening observed for the period 2022-2023 of 51.6%compared to 53.6% for the period 2021-2022, while the European objectives set in this area are 70%. This figure is decreasing but nevertheless remains higher than the national average observed (46.5%).

After increasing until 2010-2011, with a national peak at 52.7%, this program has seen its participation rate decline over the past 10 years for all age groups and all regions (54.9% observed in Auvergne- Rhône-Alpes in 2017-2018).

With a regional incidence rate of 94 cases detected per 100,000 women, breast cancer remains the most common and deadliest cancer observed in women. If detected early enough, breast cancer can be cured in the majority of cases. Concerned women are therefore invited to make an appointment at the nearest radiology center.

Healthcare establishments and professionals on the front line to raise awareness

General practitioners, gynecologists and midwives are key players in raising public awareness of the challenges of organized breast cancer screening. Beyond that, all health professionals have a role to play in raising awareness among their patients about the risks and importance of early detection of breast cancer, particularly for populations further away from care or older women with less follow-up. gynecologically.

As part of its mission of training and informing healthcare professionals, Cancer Screening in AuRA (CRCDC) has joined forces with the URPS of private doctors in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to develop an information file on the organized breast cancer screening process for professionals directly concerned.

On the ground, numerous prevention or awareness-raising actions are planned at the initiative or with the participation of health professionals and establishments in the region (races, conferences, workshops on self-examination, invitation to pharmacists to wear pink coats during the month, etc.).

Among them, we can notably cite the actions organized by CPTS Thiers Dore and Mountain, CPTS -Velay ForezCPTS de l’Ouest Rhodanien, CPTS de l’Ozon, CPTS de l’Ouest Allier, Sud Allier, CPTS Val d’Allier or even Nord Allier

At the level of health establishments, several of them will also be mobilized during the month of October. THE hospital center or from Tarare, the CH Métropole Savoiethe CH Maurienne Valley, CH Albertville-Moutiers the CHU de the Bourgoin CHor even the University of Clermont-Ferrand offer awareness-raising activities throughout the month.

The Sports and Health Centers supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Health Agency will also be there and will offer activities, particularly in theAin.

Vénus, a regional initiative to change the way we look at breast cancer and raise awareness about screening

Since 2009, the Space Junk association has been carrying out the “Vénus” project, which combines art and health. The main objective is to promote breast cancer screening among women who are far from information and care pathwaysin order to raise awareness and encourage informed choices regarding screening. Thanks to the artistic dimension, the project makes it possible to play down the disease and create a space conducive to discussion on women’s health issues, in particular screening and disease.. At the same time, the association raises women’s awareness of risk factors and the behaviors to adopt to limit these risks, thus promoting good practices and improving their lifestyle.

The project takes place in several stages throughout the year, culminating in October, on the occasion of Pink October. Every year, female volunteers are invited to participate in a photo shoot, posing their bare torsos in front of the lens. These photos then become creative supports during socio-educational workshops. During these workshops, participants are encouraged to discuss screening and share their perception of breast cancer, in collaboration with specialized structures (CRCDC, CPAM, Europe Donna, etc.). The association is committed to reducing social inequalities in health by directing these workshops towards women in social and/or professional integration, in precarious situations or residing in priority neighborhoods of urban policy. At the same time, committed artists are invited to create works from photographs taken during the shoots. These creations are then exhibited in the fall, notably during Pink October, during exhibitions organized across the region. The diversity of the works invites each viewer to think about the theme of health. The sale of these works, organized at the end of the year, helps support associations that support women with breast cancer.

The ARS currently finances this system to the tune of €40,000 per year on the basis of an annual agreement, distributed equally between the departments of Rhône and Isère. This subsidy makes it possible to finance the equivalent of 1.88 FTE (full-time equivalent) for the running of prevention workshops.

Venus exhibitions are planned during October across the two departments

  • Isère: Exhibition from October 5 to 19 in the old painting museum of Grenoble
  • Rhône :
    • DIY livestation from October 2 to 29 in
    • Info area from October 7 to 29 in
    • Joséphine Baker Media Library from September 26 to October 28 in Décines-Charpieu
    • Town hall of the 9th arrondissement from October 7 to 31 in Lyon
    • Gerland social center from October 9 to 31 in Lyon
    • Olivier socio-cultural center and Louis Braille social center from October 9 to 30 in Saint-Priest
    • Champvert social center from October 3 to 25 in Lyon
    • MJC Sans-Souci from September 30 to October 18 in Lyon
    • Town hall of the 8th from October 15 to 23 in Lyon
    • Town hall of the 3rd from October 21 to 30 in Lyon
    • Rillieux-La-Pape route (Accueil Marcel André, Lyon Nord polyclinic, MJC O Totem, Maison de la métropole and social and solidarity grocery store from September 27 to October 31


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