Guy Marius Sagna speaks after his attack (Video) – La Nouvelle Tribune

Guy Marius Sagna speaks after his attack (Video) – La Nouvelle Tribune
Guy Marius Sagna speaks after his attack (Video) – La Nouvelle Tribune

The Senegalese MP Guy Marius Sagna was the victim of a violent attack in Togo while participating in a parliamentary mission as part of the ECOWAS. This Sunday, he responded to the invitation of the Togolese MP Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson to attend a public meeting organized by the Togolese opposition, the platform “Dynamic for the Majority of the People” (DMP). The event was abruptly interrupted when a group of thugs attacked the assembly, targeting Guy Marius Sagna in particular. The deputy suffered injuries to his arm and face, and medical examinations are underway to assess the extent of his injuries.

Witnesses on site reported that the attackers acted openly and vandalized several vehicles, but the local police did not intervene, letting the attackers flee without being worried. This incident raises questions about the safety of public figures when traveling abroad, and could have diplomatic repercussions in relations between Senegal and Togo.

“It’s extremely serious. When we beat an ECOWAS parliamentarian it means that we can do anything to the Togolese people. They hit me like a football” declared Guy Marius Sagna.

The MP, known for his commitment to human rights and social justice, is often at the forefront of struggles for democracy and freedoms in West Africa.

This act of violence against him comes in a context of political tensions in Togo. Voices are already being raised in Senegal to condemn this attack and demand that measures be taken to protect parliamentarians on mission, as well as to investigate this incident.



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