“Visit of Michel Barnier to Mâcon: Public services on fire, promises in smoke” for the Reconquête Saône et party – info-chalon.com

“Visit of Michel Barnier to Mâcon: Public services on fire, promises in smoke” for the Reconquête Saône et party – info-chalon.com
“Visit of Michel Barnier to Mâcon: Public services on fire, promises in smoke” for the Reconquête Saône et Loire party – info-chalon.com

“A commitment (…) which commits us, public authorities, in a context where you are increasingly in demand, sometimes too much. » This was one of the findings of the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, during his speech at the National Firefighters Congress which was held in Mâcon this weekend. Everything is said, but above all, everything is there. And this is the heart of the problem. All public services in the state are exhausted: firefighters, hospital medical staff, police officers. All those whose mission is to be on the ground, to find solutions every day to often inextricable problems, due to lack of human and financial resources, are physically exhausted and above all morally worn out by too many declarations like this one, heard for years. These words no longer deceive anyone, neither the French nor these everyday heroes who most often have neither the right nor the time to make their voices heard.

So many words without actions, declarations with their hands on their hearts, without any effect. And are we surprised that a recent Odoxa survey reveals that 90% of French people no longer trust politicians to find solutions to their problems?

The observation is distressing and yet, the political caste continues, imperturbably, to take the French for imbeciles by serving them the same sentences, from the same software: that of empty communication which has replaced the long and silent time of action by the transience of the noisy reaction which, like a damp firecracker, ends up in the dustbin of indifference, financed by our taxes.

How much longer will all these admirable people, who chose these professions out of vocation to protect us and take care of our health, last in the face of this contempt disguised as support? Recognizing their merit and their courage no longer even touches them. They are tired of all these words. As love requires proof, recognition requires action.

Corine Durca

Departmental Delegate for Reconquest!




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