-OM: Tops/flops and scores

-OM: Tops/flops and scores
Strasbourg-OM: Tops/flops and scores

OM were dominated and logically lost against this evening. The Olympians were not sharp and even struggled to be incisive. A poor collective performance with a well-reorganized team. Here are the editor’s notes.

The tops

Geronimo Roll (6,3) : He kept the group afloat in the first half with a very good face-to-face win against Open. On the opposing goal, he can’t really do better. It’s a performance like his start to the season: more than convincing.

The flops

Murillo (4) : We know him above all for his offensive contribution, he was bad in this area tonight. Non-existent defensively, he partly takes responsibility for the goal by not orienting himself correctly in his duel. Weakened when he had to keep the ball, he also did not know how to take risks to break lines. Hardly better than his teammate in the left lane, brassiere will have at least been a little more available for construction.

Harit (5,7): We find the bad inclinations of the Moroccan. Never in the right tempo in transition, he stupidly loses the ball before the assassinated Strasbourg counterattack. Generally speaking, he was too rarely right in his choices, stubbornly looking for a pass even when he had to take his chance. Enough to relaunch competition with carbon who will have cards to play.

Area (5,7) : Unable to take the depth correctly, he never knew how to make a difference with his races. Little helped by the transmissions of his partners, he struggled throughout the match with Sow who made his life hell. Replaced by Maupayhe still has not entered the dimension of OM.


Roll (6,3) : (see above)

Murillo (4) : (see above)

Cornelius (5,25) : It was the most reassuring in defense. Dominant in the air and in coverage, he plays a solid game in the background. Rather clean in his restarts, he also allows the team to break the first line of the opposing pressure. We want to see it associated with Balerdi in the near future.

Brassier (3) : He deserves to be among the flops because his match was so bland. He played with fear in a position in which he said he could develop. Just like Placewe wait for him to wake up and gain confidence in himself to be much more reactive in his actions.

Hojbjerg (4) : Positioned in this central defender position that he had almost never encountered, he was clearly less impactful this evening. Not having to take any risks in the relaunches, its role was very limited. Just in transmissions, he must go up to the middle of the field to dictate the game and make the difference through passing.

Kondogbia (4,3) : He did as best he could but didn’t prevent the blue waves throughout the game. Solid in conservation, less good in projection.

Koné (3.7): A match to forget for the Canadian, who left with an injury in tears. Invisible for a good while, he ends up gaining momentum but is not very impactful in the phases with the ball. We hope to see him again to continue his progress.

Luis Henrique (3.7): Little in sight, it makes differences but without real danger. He has really gained momentum in this attack, but still needs to make better choices.

Harit (3,3): (see above)

Greenwood (5) : The only one who brought danger near the opposing goal. By his quality of strike, but also by his ability to change pace in his duels. However, he once again remains silent and fails to find his partners in the area.

Area (3,25) : (see above)

Here are the notes from the Peuple Olympien editorial team for this Strasbourg – OM! Don’t hesitate to give yours in comments. !



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