Laurent Delahousse: “We tried to keep our heads above water”, this bankruptcy that he could not avoid

Laurent Delahousse: “We tried to keep our heads above water”, this bankruptcy that he could not avoid
Laurent Delahousse: “We tried to keep our heads above water”, this bankruptcy that he could not avoid

Laurent Delahousse agreed to speak openly in an interview for our colleagues at La Tribune Sunday. He, so discreet about his private life, returned to several aspects of his life. Starting with his crazy career as a journalist on 2 but also his failures.
Yes, the news presenter went through some very difficult times.

Indeed, Alice Taglioni’s companion revealed an episode that he will not forget: “I am happy at France Télévisions, even if I, like everyone else, had moments of doubt, in particular when the magazine Un jour, un destin was discontinued.”

Laurent Delahousse looks back on this professional failure

Indeed, in 2019, his show was abruptly stopped : “It was an incomprehensible decision for me, a real break. I would like this beautiful series to be reborn one day somewhere, at France Télévisions or elsewhere.”. Also questioned about the bankruptcy of his production company Magneto, Laurent Delahousse confides:
“Magneto is one of the greatest adventures of my life.”

Laurent Delahousse: “Information is a fragile soul”

But the closure of his business took a toll on him “saddened”. “I had incredible collaborators and partners. We tried to keep our heads above water. But producing documentaries is expensive and doesn’t make a lot of money. Independent production is suffering, that’s the way it is.” However, the journalist is ready to embark on new projects: “A new adventure opened up for me, with the birth of Native Production”.

His confidences about his partner

If he talks about his career, Laurent Delahousse prefers to remain very discreet about his private life. To the question: “You have chosen never to publicly discuss your relationship with actress Alice Taglioni. Why?”the journalist responds: “Because I love my family endlessly. To protect what I hold most dear. Their privacy. It’s sacred.”

Thus, the presenter prefers to keep his private life secret and he instead wishes to concentrate on his career, which has therefore had its ups and downs. Rare confidences for the one who is, after years, still at the head of the France 2 news.



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