“Verdict: not great”: this is what Flavie Flament’s breakfast looks like since her arrival at Télématin

“Verdict: not great”: this is what Flavie Flament’s breakfast looks like since her arrival at Télématin
“Verdict: not great”: this is what Flavie Flament’s breakfast looks like since her arrival at Télématin

To paraphrase someone, I can say that
Télématin, I’ve been thinking about it while shaving for years!“, laughs Flavie Flament in the columns of 7 Days TV
this Monday, September 30. A dream come true. Since September 16, she has been in charge, from Monday to Thursday, of Télématin. If it is alongside Thomas Sotto that she was to make her comeback on the small screen, it is ultimately with Julien Arnaud that she shares her mornings.

But after only two weeks on the air, Flavie Flament does not hide that the rhythm is difficult to take. “When I see myself in the mirror in the morning, I mostly think: ‘Wow, I took a shovel! And we’re only at the beginning!’“, she admits with a burst of laughter. It must be said that hosting Télématin is a marathon. Waking up before dawn requires a drastic change of life.

This promise that Flavie Flament can no longer respect because of Télématin

However, this went against what this mother of two boys had promised herself. “When I left TF1, I wrote myself a list of things to respect, such as moving away from toxic people, spending vacations with my children, and, above all, a promise: wake up only when I’m really done sleeping. It seems stupid said like that, but I swore to myself to stick to it“, confides the one who finally “perjured for Télématin“.

But I’m 50 years old. It is the right time to change things in his life“, she enthuses. To say that her daily life has been turned upside down is an understatement. “Since I get up very early in the morning,
I am experiencing a big upheaval in every way, so I’m testing stuff“, she reveals to our colleagues. And particularly when it comes to breakfast.

What Flavie Flament has had for breakfast since she presented Télématin

I tried the scrambled eggs. Verdict: not great“, she laments. Flavie Flament therefore fell back on ” chia seeds, almonds and fruits
. A combo that seems to be working for now. His mission is above all to wake up on time. “I just use my smartphone, which rings at 3:45 a.m., but I have to buy a mechanical alarm clock“, she says. Would Flavie Flament be afraid of mechanically turning off her phone and fall back into the arms of Morpheus?

Its producer in any case has the heavy task of raise the alarm if the facilitator is not in the office at its usual time. “My producer, Ophélie, who is responsible for giving me a call just in case“, she confirms. And swears: “At the moment, I’m the one sending him emojis with a smile or a heart to let him know that I’m awake.“We wish him good luck to last the whole season.



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