Government spokesperson Maud Bregeon criticizes Mélenchon’s “nauseating innuendo” about Benjamin Haddad

Government spokesperson Maud Bregeon criticizes Mélenchon’s “nauseating innuendo” about Benjamin Haddad
Government spokesperson Maud Bregeon criticizes Mélenchon’s “nauseating innuendo” about Benjamin Haddad

Jean-Luc Mélenchon finds himself in turmoil again. The government spokesperson, Maud Bregeon, condemned this Sunday, September 29 on her , during a public speech the day before.

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Mélenchon in fact sparked a lively controversy on social networks after sharing an extract from his speech given in Mende, in Lozère. In an already tense context, marked by Israeli strikes in Lebanon and the death of the leader of Hezbollah, the leader of La insoumise took a position on the regional conflict. A passage of his remarks, targeting Benjamin Haddad, was particularly striking: “Nothing will happen, because the minister who has been designated to take care of Europe is someone who is committed to the policies of Mr. Netanyahu. » He continued by asserting: “But if Europe decided that we no longer deliver European weapons from a European country, the war would stop. »

This statement was quickly condemned on social networks, notably by Gérard Araud, former French ambassador to the United States and Israel. The latter challenged Mélenchon, asking him to clarify his insinuations: “To make it clear what you are implying, this minister is… Jewish. It’s outrageous,” he lambasted, questioning Mélenchon’s choice to “single out this minister” rather than another.

« The permanent media scam »

In response, Jean-Luc Mélenchon rejected the accusations of conflation, saying that his comments about Benjamin Haddad stemmed from a previous statement by the latter. “The permanent media scam is ‘Mélenchon said’… what he didn’t say,” declared the former presidential candidate, sharing an excerpt from an interview with Benjamin Haddad to support his about.

In this interview, broadcast on France 2 in November 2023, Benjamin Haddad, then an MP, addressed the conflict between Israel and Hamas, stating: “I am not for a ceasefire, Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorism. This is a legitimate response to a barbaric terrorist act committed by Hamas. »

The appointment of Benjamin Haddad within Michel Barnier’s government had already sparked criticism from certain members of La France insoumise, who had highlighted his past statements.



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