The Dimensity 9400 is MediaTek’s answer to the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite for high-end Android smartphones. It’s poised to be supplanted by its Plus counterpart without delay – as soon as March 2025, in fact, according to Digital Chat Station.
MediaTek’s current flagship is made entirely of ARM cores (unlike the 8 Elite), the fastest of which is a new Cortex-X925 processor. The 9400+ could have one as well, although it’s clocked at 3.7GHz, compared to the 3.6GHz chipset found in devices such as the Oppo Find X8 Pro (from 767 € in Europe via TradingShenzhen).
Digital Chat Station claims the latter will be present in more compact high-end Android smartphones that focus on thinner sides and more advanced periscope periscope zoom features, as well as in devices with more versatile rear cameras.
-This prediction more or less corresponds to what we guess about the supposed future “Find X8 Mini” and “X8S”, although the tipster suggests that these devices could come from OEMs other than Oppo.