Warning, your Windows 11 PC may no longer be able to turn on if you update it

Warning, your Windows 11 PC may no longer be able to turn on if you update it
Warning, your Windows 11 PC may no longer be able to turn on if you update it

The latest Windows 11 update is causing unexpected effects on computers that have it: some machines are experiencing bugs that even prevent them from turning on. Here’s what to do to avoid problems as much as possible.

New update and new issues for Windows 11 : Microsoft’s OS is unfortunately not spared from the hassles at the beginning of July, while the monthly June update was deployed a few days ago already.

Like every month, Microsoft has released a corrective patch for its operating system: stamped KB5039302it mainly aims to add some minor new features, and to fix some bugs. The problem is that it brings others, and not the least!

A worrying restart loop

Thus, many Windows 11 users who have performed this update, which is routine for those who use the OS, have had a very unpleasant experience. For affected PCs, two situations can be encountered: either the machine simply won’t boot, or it gets stuck in an infinite reboot loop. In both cases, it is impossible to use the computer, and therefore to try to correct the problem.

User feedback shows that PCs with Windows 11 versions 22H2 and 23H2 are affected, and a priori, Users using virtual machines and other software such as CloudPC, DevBox, VMware or Azure Virtual Desktop are more likely to be affected by problems.

A shaky reaction from Microsoft

Very quickly alerted by the problem, Microsoft stopped the deployment of the update on June 28. However, the damage was done to millions of users, who had to resort to sometimes very frustrating methods to resolve the situation, including a system restore.

The American company quickly fixed the files of update KB5039302 to restart the deployment. However, the best is the enemy of the good, and in its haste, Microsoft added a dose of bugs into the mix. Now, some users, especially those who have Windows 11 N and those who have disabled the OS’s multimedia features, see the taskbar disappear!

At this stage, Microsoft is therefore working on a fix for its patch…Certainly, the new bug is less problematic than not being able to turn on your PC, but all the same, it is a stain on the way the Redmond company operates. Let’s remember that Windows 11 is far from being unanimous among millions of PC users, who still prefer Windows 10 today. This kind of mishap is unlikely to restore the image of the operating system, which could quickly be replaced by Windows 12 which, we hope, will be less controversial.



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