CSR report from Mutualité Française Occitanie

A player in the social and solidarity economy, Mutualité Française Occitanie shares fundamental values ​​of solidarity, democracy and non-profit making.
It pays particular attention to its social responsibility. Involved in this approach, it develops behaviors that respect social and environmental issues in the daily management of its activity.

In this context, Mutualité Française Occitanie decided, a year ago, to design a CSR* report illustrating its involvement.

“Committed to a CSR* approach, we practice a proactive policy, focused on the future. In conjunction with all of our stakeholders, our project is intended to be united, responsible and aims to continually improve our practices” comments Bernard Creissen, president of Mutualité Française Occitanie.

“Our ambition to be a responsible and committed company is structured around three pillars: environmental responsibility; social and societal responsibility; economic responsibility. In 2023, we launched the identification of our CSR* actions through the formalization of this report. All these actions are described in detail; objectives and performance indicators are set for each of them. In 2024, our ambition continues with the strengthening of certain actions and the search for improvement
indicators, but also by the identification of new priority actions to be developed in the short term.

This first report, presented at the General Meeting of June 18, 2024, is available at the bottom of the article.

*CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility



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