Meeting with medium Marylène Coulombe: “We can communicate with who we were in a past life”

Meeting with medium Marylène Coulombe: “We can communicate with who we were in a past life”
Meeting with medium Marylène Coulombe: “We can communicate with who we were in a past life”

Since a young age, Marylène Coulombe has been able to communicate with invisible beings. An exceptional gift, but one which was not always easy to live with and which had to be tamed. When she was little, she talked about things that always ended up happening, then she experienced several paranormal events, without scientific or rational explanations, which pushed her to discover and develop these particular abilities that she possessed. Marylène thus learned what mediumship was, and above all, what this gift could allow her to do. Today, the Quebecer with the infectious smile interacts daily with the deceased and guardian angels, is interested in the meaning of dreams and people’s past lives to help them move forward in their current lives. For Paris Match, she reveals what her life as a medium is like and shares her vision of the world, where living and deceased souls coexist. Interview.

How do the deceased come into contact with you: do they come to see you, or do you go to them?

It’s a bit of both. First of all, when you are aware of being a medium, you have a light that shines in your energies, and souls who are in another dimension will perceive this light and go towards it easily. As I am aware of it and I am sensitive to it, souls perceive it. They can come to me for all sorts of reasons, for messages that they did not have time to say before dying in particular. And it can be at any time of the day or night! But I learned to set my limits so as not to be woken up all the time. Sometimes, I say “stop”, because I am a little overwhelmed. And besides that, the other situation is when people come to meet me to communicate with a deceased person. So there, we will solicit the deceased.

How does it work in this second case?

If I’m already prepared, I don’t need any tools at all. But if I am not, I will ask the person for an object linked to the deceased, often a photo, to read the energies through this object. And at that point, just having the photo, it’s like I have the name, the phone number, etc. of the deceased. Like an ID card. But if I only have the name of the deceased, no object, I have to “Google” it (do a search on Google, editor’s note), in my head (laughs). And then, I listen: do I hear it? Do I feel something? Do I see the person? Sometimes it’s all of that at once, and then sometimes I won’t see her but I’ll hear what she’s saying, or I won’t hear it but I’ll see her. Then, in the way I see her, I can tell if she is happy, unhappy, etc. It happens that the deceased appear on my mental screen in such precise detail that it is unimaginable.

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Do you have an example?

I have a memory from a few years ago. I was in a conference and often, in the 2nd part, I go down into the room, I approach people and I ask them if they want a message from a deceased loved one. That day, I choose a gentleman, I take his hand, because that way I enter into the energies, and it’s as if there were only the two of us in the room. I ask him who he would like a message from and with a little emotion, he says “from my nephew”. I ask a few questions about the nephew, then that’s it, I have the nephew. I see him, he’s funny and he laughs. I said to the gentleman: “I don’t know why, but your nephew is happy. It looks like he’s getting on the hood of a car, he’s swinging his arms, he’s so happy.” There, the gentleman becomes very emotional and I see his wife, out of the corner of my eye, who is very surprised. But it stops there and the gentleman returns to his place. At the end of the conference, I sign the books and I see the gentleman and his wife in the line. They come forward then as the man has difficulty speaking, the lady says: “You don’t know the good you have done us by giving that message”. Then she pulls out the nephew’s death announcement, and in fact, he was a race car driver and when he won his races, he would mount his car on the hood and wave his flag. How could I know that? Just telling it still gives me chills.

Do souls live around us on a daily basis?

Yes quite. Around everyone, all the time. There are times when we are aware of it, sometimes not. In fact, the dimensions are not superimposed. We often say that our deceased are in heaven, but their own dimension is there, next to us. Our dimensions are all interconnected. Which means we can all be in the same room, but on different dimensions.

You are also interested in past lives, their impacts on people’s current lives. Can you communicate with a soul from a past life?

Yes, because time does not exist on the other side. I can even communicate with who I was myself in a previous life. To explain, I will compare the soul to an orange: there is only one “orange segment” at a time that incarnates. In this life, there is a part of your soul that has incarnated in you, which is the person you are today. You will have experiences in this body, with this person. But the rest of your soul is still in the orange. When you die, this orange segment will come back into the orange and share all the experience of this life with the other parts of your soul. Then in a next life, a new part will incarnate to live experiences. And the new soul that will incarnate will be able to communicate with who you have already been in a past life. We can communicate with our soul from other lives, let’s put it that way.

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Do our dreams have a link with these past lives? Can a very realistic dream be a sign of communication with a soul from another life, or with the deceased?

Oh yes. Dreams are very, very informative. When we are in the dream state, we return to our original home. Our soul returns to where it came from. For me, planet Earth, the terrestrial plane, is a great play in which we come to play roles, experiences. But once the curtain falls, so when we fall asleep, we become again the real people that we are, the real souls. What happens in the dream state is so true reality, without filter, it’s where we can have lots of answers to our questions. In particular by returning to our past lives to understand what we are currently experiencing, and also to prepare for our future. For déjà vu phenomena for example. When we say to ourselves “I’ve already experienced this”, it’s because we dreamed it before. It is a form of premonitory dream, but it is not a dream that we will remember when we wake up in the morning. It’s a phenomenon that we will remember when it happens. There is also another kind of déjà vu, which is rather linked to another life, it is when you find yourself, for example, in an old place and you see yourself in it as if you had already visited it before. There, it could be linked to a past life. The more déjà vu is associated with old symbols, with something ancient, the more it can be associated with past lives. But the more recent it is, the more it is a premonitory dream that we had. So yes, we can see our past lives in our dreams. And communicate with the deceased. It’s easier. But what’s difficult is remembering your dreams.

Are you often confronted with people who tell you: “It’s all nonsense: mediumship, past lives, etc.” ? What do you answer them?

Less and less, but it’s definitely happening. To these people, I want to say to them: “Poor you, you don’t know what you are missing”. I sincerely mean it, but these are not things I’m going to say. I will simply ask them what they believe in. I’m going to turn the conversation to them, to their beliefs. And finally, in 99% of cases, the person ends up telling me an anecdote about something they have already experienced and which they have not been able to explain. But often people don’t want to believe that because they’re afraid. If you ask people why they are afraid of communicating with deceased people, the first thing they answer is: “I’m afraid that they will appear to me”. They are afraid of coming into their bedroom, turning on the light and then seeing someone. But that almost never happens. It’s very, very rare because it takes too much energy for the deceased to appear.

* The box set (44 cards + explanation booklet) Connect with past livesby Marylène Coulombe, is on sale for €15.90 (on the Fnac website in particular)

Thanks to this deck of 44 cards accompanied by an interpretation booklet, you will feel what your soul experienced during your past lives. All your experiences have always been within you and continue to act on your present, this is how you evolve on the earthly plane. These cards were designed to help you discover where the obstacles you encounter come from and the patterns you tend to repeat. By lifting the veil on what you have preserved in your karmic memory, you will rediscover your current life mission to finally become the being that you truly are.



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