Survive without Google on a Huawei smartphone: the Pura 70 Ultra

Survive without Google on a Huawei smartphone: the Pura 70 Ultra
Survive without Google on a Huawei smartphone: the Pura 70 Ultra

The Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, like other devices from the brand, is deprived of Google services due to American restrictions. This leads to challenges, especially for application installation and security. However, it would be a shame to reject these devices. Also there are different solutions available to get the most out of this smartphone.

The challenges of not having Google services

What does it change ? The absence of Google services makes it difficult to find apps and games, as the majority of this content is centralized on the Play Store. There are over 3 million apps available on the Play Store.

Additionally, there are also questions about safety when looking for alternatives. You have to be even more vigilant, especially with less conventional methods of installing applications.

Installing apps via APK (Android Package) files is a common but risky method. It involves downloading APK files from various sources on the web. However, not all sources are reliable. It is essential to ensure that the APK file comes from the official website of the publisher to avoid malware. This method, while convenient, exposes the device to significant security threats. Caution is therefore required.

Petal Search et Huawei AppGallery

Petal Search, pre-installed on the Huawei Pura 70, offers a convenient solution for finding APK files. It allows searching for apps across multiple sources, including APKPure. However, this method is not without risks.

Petal Search is a search engine, but the diversity of sources may include less secure sites, increasing the chances of installing compromised applications. Despite these limitations, Petal Search remains a viable option for those looking for a variety of apps.

The Huawei AppGallery, for its part, is Huawei’s official store for downloading applications. It offers a wide selection, often provided directly by the publishers.

This method is more secure than the previous two, because the applications are verified by Huawei before going live. However, not all apps are available in the AppGallery, and some apps may not be up to date.


GBox stands out for its innovative solution for installing Google services on the Huawei Pura 70. Available directly on the AppGallery, GBox uses a virtualized environment to allow the installation and use of Google applications. There are other similar applications, like Lighthouse, based on microG, and all of these solutions use containers to launch the applications.

This method consumes slightly more power, but provides a smooth, uninterrupted user experience. Apps work seamlessly, and notifications and sync remain active. This makes GBox a simple option for those who rely on Google services.

Be careful, however, the operation of GBox remains quite obscure, it is not recommended to use this method to install sensitive applications such as banking applications.

Aurora Store

Aurora Store on the other hand is an open source alternative for accessing applications from the Google Play Store. This unofficial client allows you to download applications directly from the Play Store while avoiding trackers and with the possibility of having an incognito mode.

Unlike other methods, Aurora Store stands out for its open source project and its commitment to transparency and security. This is an ideal option for those looking for a more secure user experience without Google services. It is very efficient, and also includes update management.

Aurora Store nevertheless remains a relatively technical solution, especially during installation with the choice of the installer. Anonymous mode remains the most popular.

Other alternatives

In addition to these solutions, there are a host of other alternative app stores for Huawei users. Among them, Amazon AppStore, Tencent Appstore, QuooApp, and TapTap offer a variety of options. These platforms can provide popular apps and games, although security and reliability vary.

Certainly, the absence of Google services on Huawei devices can be a hindrance. But this is not inevitable, and there are solutions to get around this problem and use your device normally. However, increased vigilance is necessary to maintain the security of the device and especially that of its data.

Source: editorial and web

The Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, like other devices from the brand, is deprived of Google services due to American restrictions. This leads to challenges, especially for application installation and security. However, it would be a shame to reject these devices. Also there are different solutions available to get the most out of this smartphone.The…



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