Magnificent images of the Lunistice around the world

Magnificent images of the Lunistice around the world
Magnificent images of the Lunistice around the world

Astronomy fans know that Friday June 21 was a very special day. A rare phenomenon that had not occurred for 18 years appeared in the sky: a lunistice. The moon was at the most extreme points of its orbit yet full, a magical sight.

The last time a lunistice was seen from Earth was in 2006. This extremely rare event marks the major stoppage of the moon which rises at its most northeastern points and sets at its most northwestern points. . In this way, we can observe it much longer than usual and above all see it come disturbingly closer to the horizon. A mechanism which gave rise this Friday, June 21 to extraordinary images across the globe since in addition to this special journey, the moon was full. If you missed this celestial spectacle, you can watch it rise above Stonehenge in England right here. For our part, we have collected for you the most beautiful photos taken that night in the world.

Read also: NOT TO BE MISSED: a lunistice will take place this evening in the sky

The most beautiful photos of the lunistice

The Lunistice in Madrid, Spain. © Marcos del Mazo/LightRocket via Getty Images
The moon rises behind the Selimiye Mosque in Edirne, Türkiye. © Cihan Demirci/Anadolu via Getty Images
The moon above the Temple of Poseidon in Athens, Greece. © Costas Baltas/Anadolu via Getty Images
The Lunistice behind the Empire State Building in New York. © Gary Hershorn/Getty Images
A plane flies past the moon over San Francisco Bay. © Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images
The huge moon behind the cornice of the Fanar Mosque in Doha, Qatar. © KARIM JAAFAR/AFP via Getty Images
The moon behind the Corinth Canal in Greece. © VALERIE GACHE/AFP via Getty Images
The Lunistice above Beihai Park in Beijing, China. © VCG/VCG via Getty Images

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