For several years, the Windows Insider program has been meeting fans of the Microsoft operating system. It offers the opportunity to discover new features and planned changes in a “special” setting.
This program brings together a large community of enthusiasts and professionals who want to explore the future of the Windows operating system. By joining this initiative, it is possible to test new features and versions of Windows before their official launch. It is a way to participate in the development and improvement of the OS.
This program, accessible on a voluntary basis, allows you to receive advance versions of Windows, called “builds”. These are distributed through different channels. Microsoft currently divides its Insider program into four channels: Canary, Dev, Beta, and Release Preview. It is important to note that each channel meets different expectations and user profiles, from novice to more advanced.
Windows Insider Program, the four distribution channels
The Canary Canal is the most experimental. It is primarily aimed at sophisticated users who can manage the risks associated with the early stages of development. Downstream, the Dev channel introduces new features under development. It offers a glimpse of ideas that Microsoft might incorporate into future versions of Windows. More accessible, the Beta channel is recommended for beginner users, because it offers more stable builds with functionalities close to those of the final product. Finally, the Release Preview channel is for those looking for a stable, finalized release.
Windows Insider, a way to participate in Windows development.
In addition to technical testing, Microsoft encourages participants to submit feedback through the Feedback Hub. This feedback collection system allows you to report problems, failures and bugs, offer suggestions and vote for improvements. Note that this Feedback Hub also includes a system of quests and achievements to encourage user involvement.
Finally, participating in the Windows Insider program is not without risks. In fact, testing an unfinalized version of Windows exposes you to potential stability problems, particularly on the Dev and Canary channels. It is therefore advisable to test these versions on a secondary device or a virtual machine. In addition, this participation implies an increase in telemetry, that is to say the collection of diagnostic data sent to Microsoft. This data, although anonymized, can deter those who prefer to keep their information confidential.
Finally, this program requires a certain availability, because the installation of updates often requires a restart of the machine.