The Haute-Marne Astronomical Society (SAHM) is offering a conference on Friday November 15, at 8:30 p.m. at the Valcourt Observatory, entitled “Towards the rings of Saturn” which will be given by Philippe Simonnet, member of the SAHM and former director of the Reims Planetarium.
“Saturn is the wonder of the solar system. Many astronomers, amateurs and professionals alike, will tell you that they discovered their vocation while contemplating the magnificent rings of this planet. They have been known for four centuries and astronomers continue to question their nature, their origin or their evolutionary dynamics. The flotilla of space probes sent there in recent decades, notably the Cassini probe, has allowed us to make great discoveries with their share of surprises. Even the James Webb space telescope was recently used,” explains Philippe Simonnet.
Are the last mysteries of Saturn’s rings about to be solved? Elements of answers will be given during the conference which is aimed at a wide audience and will be illustrated by numerous real images of the Saturn system. FREE ENTRANCE.