More than just communication tools, websites can now support personal or professional projects and become permanent showcases. Although the lack of budget can be compensated for by creativity, there are certain design steps that must be respected. Creating a free website is good. But designing a free and efficient website is even better!
Define website goals
People who want to create a website for free and without technical skills generally make the same mistake: jumping straight into design.
However, it is imperative to define the objectives of a website before even thinking about how to develop it. Once these objectives are clearly defined, you are able to plan:
- the design to adopt;
- the structure to favor;
- the content to be written;
- the functionalities to be developed.
In short, everything you need to create a free website and make it easy.
Work on the design and anticipate technical points
The second stage consists of the development of wireframes and graphic models. To pass with flying colors, start by listing the different pages of your future website. Then imagine their structure according to the content and information they must display.
Note that it is not necessary to be a web designer to create a website for free. There are many web designs, also called “themes” that are 100% free.
At the same time, technical aspects such as hosting and domain name must be anticipated. A solution all inclusive at a few euros per month is more than enough to host a website created for free.
Integrate the website with a free tool
After selecting hosting and a domain name, you are able to create a website for free using the tool of your choice. Web integration tools, also called CMS, are more and more numerous on the market. Here are some of the most popular applications currently:
- WordPress ;
- Webflow ;
- PrestaShop ;
- Wix ;
- Joomla! ;
- Shopify.
Namely: The most used CMS for several years in a row, WordPress seems to be one of the best tools for creating a free website.
Create a website for free before upgrading it
Did you know? It is now possible to create a professional website for free, as a first step. Then to develop it later, thanks to the support of a website creation agency.
Also called redesign, this type of intervention makes it possible to improve and professionalize a website by modifying its structure and design or by developing new functionalities. This process allows those on a limited budget to get started quickly and adapt their site over time as their budget changes.