It’s one of the greatest classics of horror cinema, and its official sequel is coming at the end of the year! – Video Games News

It’s one of the greatest classics of horror cinema, and its official sequel is coming at the end of the year! – Video Games News
It’s one of the greatest classics of horror cinema, and its official sequel is coming at the end of the year! – Video Games News

The game “The Thing”, released in 2002 and thought of as a direct sequel to the cult film of the same name by John Carpenter, is the subject of a remaster which will be released by the end of 2024. Images!

We’re not going to re-explain how John Carpenter’s The Thing is a pure masterpiece; one of the greatest horror films in cinema, largely valiant despite the 42 years that separate us from its initial release. The unique universe of the film was also available on several media, notably in comics, published by Dark Horse, in the form of three mini series. But also in video games.

In 2002, Universal Interactive released a direct sequel to The Thing in the form of a game playable on Playstation 2, Xbox and PC. An official sequel, which starred Army Special Forces soldier Captain JF Blake. He and his rescue team are sent to investigate the aftermath of what happened in Carpenter’s original horror film. Developed with the blessing of Big John, the filmmaker even made an appearance in it, in the form of a cameo.

If the title was not free from all criticism, it was on the other hand extremely faithful to the very particular and distressing atmosphere of its cinematographic counterpart, and left an impression on the players. This weekend, development studio Nightdive announced that it was working on a remaster of the game, which will be released on consoles and PC by the end of the year.

The Thing: Remastered will support 4k resolution, and will offer new textures, lighting and animations, which should make everything even scarier than in 2002.

Below, the announcement trailer…

“Many of us at the studio are die-hard fans of the horror genre, so it’s an honor to be able to work on the world of such an iconic work as The Thing.” said Larry Kuperman, the studio’s CEO. “The 1982 film is a masterpiece and truly one of the most defining works of art in the horror genre. With The Thing: Remastered, we pay homage to this legacy and the incredible game by Computer Artworks.



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