The La Butte hotel’s secret to boosting its revenue with AI –

The Breton hotel La Butte has seen its customer experience and sales transformed thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). After integrating HiJiffy’s AI solutions, La Butte not only improved customer satisfaction, but also significantly increased its revenues.

This success story demonstrates that AI tools are not reserved for large hotel groups and that they can bring remarkable results, even for small independent structures.

Personalized WhatsApp campaigns to prepare for the arrival of customers

The charming thirty-room hotel decided to stand out by improving the customer experience through personalized WhatsApp campaigns, developed by HiJiffy.

Even before guests arrive, two separate campaigns are sent: the first one week before their stay, the second the day before their arrival. These automated messages include all the information you need for a smooth stay, as well as details like the forecasted weather.

Result ? A personalized welcome and an improved customer experience, all without additional effort for hotel staff.

Stimulation of additional sales

HiJiffy’s AI not only personalizes the welcome, it also stimulates additional sales. By integrating clickable buttons into WhatsApp messages, La Butte offers its customers a quick and easy way to book additional services.

This strategy made it possible to achieve a Impressive 93% open rate, generating nearly nine times more clicks than a traditional email campaign.

The results are unequivocal: a notable increase in reservations for additional services, directly contributing to the increase in the hotel’s turnover.

The future of independent hotels with AI

The success story between La Butte and HiJiffy proves that conversational AI is a powerful tool for all hotels, regardless of their size.

The benefits of this initiative are multiple. First of all, customer reception is significantly improved without requiring additional human resources. Automation allows staff to focus on other essential taskswhile ensuring fluid and personalized communication with customers.

Special offer for TOM Travel readers

Start getting the most out of AI in time for peak season. Get a free month of the HiJiffy solution using the code TOM10 when booking your demo with an expert !



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