A woman gives birth at home, helped by her partner

This is a story that doesn’t happen every day. Sherbrooke resident Frédérique Bouthot gave birth at home with the help of her partner and a dispatcher who gave them advice over the phone.

The event occurred 10 days ago, on May 21st. Frédérique Bouthot’s water broke the day before. She wanted her birth to happen as naturally as possible.

It’s an experience I wanted to live. I made the decision to stay home overnight to see if labor would start, since I wasn’t having any contractions.she explained on the microphone of Mathieu Beaumont, on the show Here’s the info.


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Frédérique Bouthot, Alexandre Fadous and their two sons, Émile and baby Lionel.

Photo: Radio-Canada / John Sébastien Naïs

After a medical appointment the next morning, everything was finesays the young mother. I was recommended to go to the hospital to induce laborshe continues.

I was hopeful that labor would occur naturally, so we returned home, in our cocoon, until that happened.

A quote from Frédérique Bouthot

It was a little later that the contractions started. The young woman explains that she decided to take a shower to relax. But the contractions intensified. She then understood that it was going to be impossible to go to the hospital to give birth to her second child.

It was from that moment that her partner, Alexandre Fadous, entered the scene. He grabbed his cell phone and called 911. On the other end of the line, he found Jean-François Rousseau, a dispatcher at the health services headquarters. I was on adrenaline. I went into robot mode to resolve the situationhe says.

Part of me thought, “this can’t go wrong,” so I followed the directions to the letter.

A quote from Alexandre Fadous

He admits to being scared when the baby’s head came out, but not the body. The baby’s head turned purple. I was really scared. I didn’t want to lose our child. So Frédérique gave everything, she pushed, and the baby was born.

Little Lionel was born at 2:39 p.m., around thirty minutes after the start of contractions. It was in the bathtub that the young mother gave birth.


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Jean-François Rousseau was able to meet little Lionel and his parents on Thursday.

Photo: Facebook Photo

The dispatcher says he receives many calls for deliveries, but few of them are completed before paramedics arrive. In the last year this has happened about four timeshe says. The protocol was followed to the letter, from start to finish.

The last time this happened to me was eight years ago.

A quote from Jean-François Rousseau, dispatcher at the health services central

Jean-François Rousseau was able to meet little Lionel and his parents on Thursday. It was a lot of emotions. It was a great gift to meet them. I was able to hold him in my arms. People often think of us as a voice on the phone, they don’t realize that we really exist. It was very beautiful to see them, all smileshe concludes.



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