Surprise, Redfall will be entitled to a final update with the possibility of playing it offline | Xbox

Surprise, Redfall will be entitled to a final update with the possibility of playing it offline | Xbox
Surprise, Redfall will be entitled to a final update with the possibility of playing it offline | Xbox

Earlier in the month, we learned with astonishment of the closure of 4 Bethesda studios by Xbox, including Arkane Austin. According to IGN, this studio was working on an update of Redfall to provide the possibility of playing it offline. On this subject, the Redfall Twitter account has just surfaced to confirm that a final update will be deployed!

Finally, Redfall will bow out with a final update

Soon, the fourth and final update will be deployed, bringing an overhaul of the neighborhood and nest systems, the ability to pause the game when playing solo, the ability to play offline and more .

This last point is essential, since it guarantees that the game will last over time. Even with closed servers it should be playable.

Remember, however, that the DLCs are canceled and that players who have opted for the Hero Pass or the Bite Back premium edition will be entitled to a refund.

We will obviously keep you informed when this final update is available. In the meantime, you can enjoy the title on Xbox Series X|S and PC. It is of course playable through Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.

It wasn’t hard to predict a mixed future for Redfall just months before its release. The game benefited from no hype and was released in a state that required at least a few months of additional development. Phil Spencer, boss of Xbox, said he was “angry with himself” and said he wanted to “learn to do better”.



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