A ’12 Coups’ candidate reveals what Jean-Luc Reichmann forbids them: “He must…

A ’12 Coups’ candidate reveals what Jean-Luc Reichmann forbids them: “He must…
A ’12 Coups’ candidate reveals what Jean-Luc Reichmann forbids them: “He must…

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

At the helm of “12 coups de midi” for more than 10 years with undeniable success, Jean-Luc Reichmann continues to lead the lunch box on TF1 with a masterful hand. Very experienced in the industry, the native of Fontainebleau knows exactly how he wants things to happen. Moreover, the masters of midday must submit to a ban from him. Explanations.

When he abandoned “Beware of the Walk”, which was a hit at the time, some people thought he was crazy. But Jean-Luc Reichmann was right: by anticipating the inevitable decline of a game which had already taken on a few wrinkles, he was able to achieve a perfect transition to “Les 12 coups de midi”, untouchable on the midday slot for a very long time. many years now.

As the 5,000th show approaches, several candidates have already made gaming history with impressive winning streaks. Currently, it is a certain Emilien who has reigned since last September, and who has broken all the records. But the 21-year-old young man is required to respect a very specific wish from Jean-Luc Reichmann.

The tacit rule imposed by Jean-Luc Reichmann on the masters of midday

Indeed, the famous host does not want the midday masters in office to have recurring contact with the emblematic figures who came before them. This is what Bruno Hourcade, rightly beaten by Emilien, explained in an interview with Télé-Loisirs:

I have no contact with Émilien. I saw him twice, at Christmas time and when I came to promote my book on the show.

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I have no way of contacting him, I don’t have his number, he is not yet in the WhatsApp group of former candidates because Jean-Luc wants to ensure that, when we are in the running, he does not There’s not too much contact. When I was master of midday, it was only after I lost that I joined the WhatsApp group with all the masters of midday so that there would be no accusations of cronyism.

And the man with 252 victories concludes, regarding Émilien:

He must have a new mind. If he is already in the group, all the midday masters will speak with him. We are going to tell our journey and he is not going to live the adventure in total discovery. Only once he is eliminated can we really talk.

Nothing is obviously written in black and white on a contract, but it is a very coherent tacit rule, to which Jean-Luc Reichmann is attached. Let us therefore hope that Émilien will only be able to interact with his illustrious elders as late as possible, after having accumulated several dozen more victories… or even more!

Everything is well thought out on the sidelines of “12 coups de midi”, down to the smallest details. Jean-Luc Reichmann is indeed keeping an eye on things with his professionalism, and the success with the public attests to the success of this method. Still have patience for Émilien, who in any case has no desire to give up his chair as midday master!



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