Here are some tips to pimp your WhatsApp

Fed up with monotonous WhatsApp messages? With a few simple tips, you can customize the text and emoji of your exchanges in chat applications.

Tara Rezaie Farmand / t-online

An article from

Most people send messages on WhatsApp without worrying about text formatting. However, it is possible to be creative!

Reformat the writing

For example, we can use italics or bold using a few characters:

  • For italics: place a line at the bottom at both ends of the text: _Example_
  • For fat: add an asterisk before and after the text: *example*
  • For the crossed out: put the passage between two small waves: ~Example~

Emojis too

You can also change the appearance of emojis. By default, those sent alone and without text will appear larger to the person receiving them. The red heart throbs even when used alone. If the size difference bothers you, you can help yourself with simple special characters:

  • By placing an asterisk * or a line at the bottom _ before and after the chosen emoji, it will be sent in the same size as the writing.
  • The little wave ~ placed before and after the emoji will make it appear small and crossed out.

The size of gifs and stickers cannot be changed. These items will always be sent in their usual size.

Other chat applications also have their tricks: on Telegram for example, you can deactivate the “Large emojis” function in the settings (Settings – Presentation – Sticker and emoji). The emoticons then keep a standard font size. The key combinations mentioned above, however, do not work for Telegram, unlike WhatsApp.

(Translated from German by Valentine Zenker)

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Images of the Simplon:

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Fed up with monotonous WhatsApp messages? With a few simple tips, you can customize the text and emoji of your exchanges in chat applications.

Most people send messages on WhatsApp without worrying about text formatting. However, it is possible to be creative!



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