Save 150 euros by dressing your child in clearance or second-hand clothes

Save 150 euros by dressing your child in clearance or second-hand clothes
Save 150 euros by dressing your child in clearance or second-hand clothes

Valère Corréard gives us a good plan every day to give us back our purchasing power, today we save 150 euros by dressing your child in clearance or second-hand clothes.

The change of season is felt and you have a child to equip with rain boots, raincoat, coat and mittens?

Here is a good plan for doing your shopping online with quality brands, and prices between 50 and 80% cheaper than new. I’m going to tell you today about the online store Slim that you find on

On this online store we find new things but not only…

Yes with one clearance section notably. Many brands need to sell their old collections or pieces with a small defect, and are ready to make big concessions on price to limit losses.

On the Smala website, for example, you will find a small blouse from the Bonton brand for 29 euros instead of 82 euros, a big saving.

I also saw an IKKS sweatshirt for 18 euros instead of 75, again with a nice saving. The list would be too long but there are quite a few good new deals on the site.

For second-hand clothes, it’s even more interesting

Always lower it’s true, without sacrificing quality…There are even deals for babies and there the occasion takes on even more meaning when you think about the duration of use of a body in three months …

I found one for 6 euros for example, another for 2 euros 40…

You can easily fill up for 100 euros instead of 250, resulting in a saving of 150 euros. so to find cheaper clothes, and avoid new ones in the process, which is not a luxury when you know that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting…

This is what we call…killing two birds with one stone!

I remind you, if you also have a good budget plan, a question, remark…Send me an email [email protected].



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