what legacy for the first student association in ?

what legacy for the first student association in ?
what legacy for the first student association in Montpellier?


Leah Pippinato

Published on

Oct 5, 2024 at 5:16 p.m.

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In the early 2000s, a handful of foreign students come together around a simple objective: helping each other face administrative obstacles that they encounter when arriving at . Twenty years later, this initiative has become much more than simple logistical support.

The Case sees the light of day in 2004 in Montpellier, within the Paul-Valéry University. Founded by students mainly from Africa and the French Overseas Territories, the association’s initial aim is to support new arrivals in their administrative procedures. The initial name of the structure thus corresponded to “Sahel Aid Center of Ecouen”.

The founders noted that many foreign students were having difficulty integrating due to the complexities linked to obtaining residence permits, finding accommodation and even university registration procedures. “We simply wanted to create a space where new students could feel at home, be supported and interact,” says Amine Taher, who joined Case in 2015 and became its president. La Case quickly established itself as a reference for international students. Beyond administrative support, the association offers practical solutions to facilitate the daily life of mobile students.

Support for culture

In 2015, a turning point took place. The association’s office changes, as do the objectives. While it previously devoted itself exclusively to administrative issues, La Case decided to broaden its scope by turning to more cultural projects. Under the leadership of new members, La Case is moving away from its activist approach to offer activities that promote cultural diversity. The organization of cultural events, such as concerts, exhibitions or even thematic evenings, becomes central to its missions. “We wanted to add a cultural dimension, without losing our DNA of solidarity,” explains Amine.

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Early challenges

The creation of La Case was not without challenges. In the 2000s, the university context in Montpellier was changing. Foreign students face many bureaucratic obstacles, and access to accommodation is particularly difficult. The association, supported by a small dedicated team, must both face these difficulties while gaining visibility. “They lacked the means, but were convinced that what they were doing was useful. At the beginning, each small success pushed them to go further,” recalls Amine. Since its beginnings, La Case has continued to play a major role in student life in Montpellier.

“They lacked resources, but had the conviction that what they were doing was useful. At the beginning, each small success pushed them to go further”

Amine Taher
President of La Case

In addition to its administrative support, it has positioned itself as an important social actor, collaborating with associations such as Solidarité DOM-TOM. This partnership, established during the Covid period, made it possible to organize food collections for the benefit of hundreds of students in difficulty. In 2022, 500 packages were distributed, compared to 221 in 2020. The members of La Case have changed over the years. Today, the association attracts students with varied profiles. Some are passionate about the cultural aspect, while others prefer to focus on the solidarity dimension. The diversity of events organized, from West Indian concerts to electro evenings, shows that La Case adapts to the expectations of a constantly evolving student audience.

Each season, two civic services are recruited to manage the cultural and solidarity aspects. “It’s as if we had two distinct centers with students with different backgrounds and interests,” notes Léa Lapendry, communications manager.

Notable projects

One of the association’s flagship projects is Universitek, a free educational platform which aims to democratize electronic music among students. Free and open to all, this event has become essential in the cultural programming of Paul-Valéry University. Another highlight was the official recognition of the association in 2023 by the Fondation de , which awarded it a prize of 5,000 euros for its solidarity actions, in particular the distribution of food packages.

As it approaches its 20th anniversary, La Case faces a new challenge: that of succession. In 2024, the association decided to take a break from its activities to prepare for a generational transition. The current members, now older, wish to pass the torch to a new team who will be able to adapt the association to the needs of tomorrow’s students. “It’s time to bring power back to the office, and make a smooth transition.” We must take this time to reflect so that the association continues to grow, but with new ideas and new energies,” confides Léa Lapendry.

In twenty years, La Case has gone from a small activist structure to a major player in Montpellier student life. Although its missions have evolved, the association has never lost sight of its founding objectives: supporting and integrating students, while promoting culture. With a track record marked by numerous successes, La Case looks to the future, ready to meet the challenges of the next generations.

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