ChatGPT: towards a substantial increase in prices?

ChatGPT: towards a substantial increase in prices?
ChatGPT: towards a substantial increase in prices?

The majority of those who use ChatGPT are already using its free version. But for subscribers of the paid version, prices will experience a small increase.

Artificial intelligence is extremely expensive. We don’t realize it, given the number of features offered, for several months already, by the various tech players, but a good part of it constitutes a pure financial loss for the companies which offer them.

We can therefore consider that we are in a sort of transition economy with regard to artificial intelligence, and that AI users should expect a substantial increase in the prices of their favorite services.

According to the New York Times, in fact, the prices of the paid version of ChatGPT are about to experience a substantial increase. But this will not be done all at once. According to the American newspaper, we should expect an increase of $2, but this should be accompanied over the following years by a continuous increase until reaching the price of $44, i.e. double the current price of here in 2029.

Will artificial intelligence ever be able to be profitable without driving away customers? What is certain is that companies in the field will have to find a new business model if they hope to continue to prosper in the distant future. Unless this is based on a loss-making sale made up by other products, as is already the case for game console manufacturers.

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