The mysterious ending of the horror film explained

“The Shaft 2” has been available on Netflix since October 3rd.image: netflix



The dystopian horror film “The Shaft” was one of the biggest streaming successes during the pandemic, and now Netflix is ​​following up with a sequel. “Der Schacht 2” has been available to stream since October 3rd.

Like its predecessor, this film is also ultra-brutal and leaves the audience with unanswered questions. The ending in particular is confusing. The central question is: What happens to Perempuan after the reason for her stay in the shaft is revealed?

Warning: Strong spoilers for “Schacht 2” follow!

“The Shaft 2”: brutal conflict has consequences

A rule is established right at the beginning: the prisoners are allowed to “order” food, so to speak. But they are only allowed to eat what they order. And no more than they are entitled to. If you eat more, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among those on the lower floors. There are a total of 333 floors, all of which are occupied by two people.

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As in the first part, a platform with food moves from top to bottom. The people on the upper floors have a clear advantage because the platform is still full for them. Those further down have to fear and rely on the fairness of those above them.

The problem: Not everyone agrees with the rule. Some advocate the principle that everyone in the shaft fights for themselves. That’s why they eat as much as they want. Others, on the other hand, insist on adhering to the rule because this is the only way justice can prevail and everyone gets food. Inevitably there will be a confrontation between the “loyal” and the “barbarian”.

Perempuan’s role in “The Shaft 2” explained

The artist Perempuan is initially one of the loyal ones, but then changes sidesafter violent violence is done to her. After a massive clash, there are hardly any survivors on either side. However, Perempuan survived the fight.

She takes the opportunity to block her airway by swallowing part of a painting. As a result, she almost suffocates and falls to the ground. This, in turn, prevents her from inhaling the gas that the pit’s cleaners use to render the remaining prisoners unconscious.

As she slides down to the lowest level along with the corpses, she realizes that a child has been placed there by the shaft staff. This means she is faced with a decision: She can either act selfishly and escape to the surface of the pit, as she planned throughout the film – or risk her life to protect the child from the atrocities of the prison.

Perempuan remembers her own criminal actions that got her into the pit: a child died because of one of her works of art, and she initially didn’t accept this guilt. That’s changing now.

The platform now drops below level 333 to a level that appears to represent Perempuan’s conscience. Here she meets other souls, including her former cellmate Zamiatin. They are projections of her dying mindwhich encourage them to let the child rise. The child also represents innocence, which could help make the world a better place again. Perempuan, on the other hand, can no longer be “saved”.

By allowing the child to ascend while she remains behind, Perempuan makes her final sacrifice to free herself from her guilt. She accepts that redemption comes at a price. The problem: She only saves one person. Those responsible behind the system will probably continue as before and will not take children into account.



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