Heather Parisi, who is her husband Umberto Maria Anzolin

The showgirl has had four children and several important relationships. From the celebrity orthopedist Di Giacomo to an entrepreneur accused of bankruptcy. Here are the details.

Thomas Pietrangelo


Author, journalist, singer-songwriter. Graduated in Foreign Literatures, he is passionate about cinema, poetry and Shakespeare. He writes songs and loves cats.

Fonte: Mediaset Infinity

Today Heather Parisi will be a guest on Verissimo. And maybe she will shed light on the (difficult) relationship with her daughter Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo, who will soon become mother with her partner Ultimo. But there is so much more to dig into, and discover, in Heather’s life. Fromlove with the entrepreneur Giorgio Manenti – ended abruptly after his arrest and the judicial scandal that had overwhelmed him –, at rebirth recent thanks to Umberto Maria Anzolinmarried by Parisi in Hong Kong. They live together there, and have also had two twins, Elizabeth and Dylan. Let’s see all the details and curiosities below.

Heather Parisi, from the ex Manenti to the rebirth with Umberto

Heather Parisi’s love life has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. It starts from 1993, when the showgirl returns to Italy, after an experience in Spanish TV, and meets the entrepreneur Giorgio Manenti. Love at first sight strikes and the two get married just a year after their fateful meeting. Then Heather discovers she is pregnant for the first time and In 1994, her daughter Rebecca Jewel was bornwho will have very unusual godparents: Pippo Baudo and Katia Ricciarelli. But the idyll is about to end.

In fact, in 1996 the scandal breaks out which overwhelms her husband Giorgio Manenti. It is investigated for bankruptcy within the investigation into the bankruptcy of Magnetofoni Castelli. In the middle of the story, obviously, Parisi also ends up. It is forced to testify in courtwith the satisfaction of being able to exonerate Manenti. But the relationship, as the gossip magazines were saying at the time, was now worn out. Heather and her husband they separated in 1999.

She turns the page quite quickly, actually. In 2000, in fact, she is already linked to theorthopedic surgeon of the VIPs’ Giovanni Di Giacomo. Together they have a daughter, Jacqueline Luna, who is at the center of gossip these days since is expecting a baby from the singer Ultimo. But even this second important story doesn’t last, for Heather Parisi. Years of uncertainty follow and then yet another love at first sight. The showgirl falls in love with Umberto Maria Anzolinentrepreneur who has an import-export company in Hong Kong. Where the two get married in 2013. And they also decide to live there. With the satisfaction of the birth of the two twins Elizabeth and Dylan.

“I met the man of my life at 45”Parisi recently said, “my husband Umberto Maria has changed me, I love my life because he loves me very much and has given me serenity, it gave me peace in my heart. Umberto is not the love of my life, he is my life, he is my light!”.

The difficult relationship with Jacqueline

Between ups and downs in lovethe North Star of Heather’s life has always been her family. An extended family, with four children now spread across the world. “We we are a big familyI have two grown-up daughters”, said Parisi, “Umberto Maria has two grown-up daughters and we have our two twins, we have six children in all…We get along with everyonesure, even if they are women now, but of course they have a relationship with me. Some live in Rome, some in Vicenza, some in Los Angeles, the other is between Oxford and Cambridge, with the distance it becomes very difficult, but we’ll see each other”.

But there’s a problem. It seems that the relationship between Heather and daughter Jacqueline Luna are not exactly great. So much so that Luna’s followers recently lashed out at the showgirl for an unorthodox choice. In short, she recently returned to Italy, and instead of going to visit his pregnant daughter right away (she is now in her seventh month) thought it best to go to the hairdresser. “Your first stop should be somewhere else,” someone scolded her. And others said even worse: “You’re pathetic, dear grandma,” “You never deny a child for no reason.”

Heather, for her part, rather than justify or defend herself, claims privacy on the matter. “I don’t have to defend, protect or justify nothing about my private life, I have never fueled gossip and I will never fuel it”, she says on social media with a hint of anger. But it is not clear, at the moment, what has driven mother and daughter apart. We only know that some time ago, after an interview by Heather on BeastsJacqueline came out with heavy accusations. “I will always respect my mother,” she said, “despite his absence in my life…I find myself forced to admit a sad reality, which I personally would have preferred not to share. I haven’t seen my mother for 10 years…She knows nothing about my life except through social media like you. I am just Jacqueline Luna, and I would like one day to talk about me and what I have created.”

Who is the husband Umberto Maria Anzolin

Umberto Maria Anzolin is the current one Heather Parisi’s husband. He is an entrepreneur owner of an import-export companywhose headquarters were moved to Hong Kong several years ago. “We got married in Hong Kong after 15 years of engagement”said Parisi, who now lives in the Chinese metropolis with Umberto and her two young children, Elizabeth and Dylan.

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