the essential
Since the start of the school year, La Rochelle town hall has decided to install 14 “stop” signs in an avenue in order to limit the speed of motorists. An experiment which is criticized by several local residents and traders.
Avenue de Fétilly in La Rochelle, cars must stop every 35 meters. Since the start of the school year, the mayor has decided to install 14 “stop” signs over 500 meters. The stated goal: to reduce traffic speed on this road which crosses a residential area, reports BFMTV.
A solution that displeases residents, unhappy with this experiment. “It’s a permanent nuisance, it slows down and it clutters the avenue,” laments one of the residents. “The number of ‘stop signs’ is perhaps a little excessive,” explains another neighbor.
“The rated speed has really dropped”
This experiment does not satisfy traders either, who regret a loss of income since the installation of these new signs. The town hall recognizes their number as excessive: “There are perhaps too many stop signs, probably three or four to remove”, explains Christophe Bertaud, deputy mayor for Parisian.
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But “the nominal speed has really dropped. This reassures many residents who travel, particularly by bike or with family.” In March, a public meeting will be organized to decide on the future of these 14 stop signs, while complaints from local residents are increasing.