This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press – Fez Office
The city of Taza witnesses the absence of public lighting in the tropical zone of the city, a problem that has become a problem for residents, especially in light of the importance of this project in improving transportation conditions and ensure public safety. With the delay in the implementation of the project, questions are multiplying as to the real reasons for this failure, especially since public lighting is considered one of the most important requirements of urban development.
This issue presents challenges associated with planning and implementation and may be the result of administrative, technical, or financial issues. From this point of view, civil activists challenged the responsible authorities present at Khabar Kan..? Reveal project details, including timeline, financial allocations and reasons for delay, in addition to developing a clear work plan to ensure its completion as soon as possible.
Accelerating the implementation of the project remains an urgent necessity to strengthen the security and safety of citizens, as well as to improve the quality of life in the tropical region.