World Cup La Marseillaise: the brilliant move of the Lacroix team, who beat the solid Robineau trio

World Cup La Marseillaise: the brilliant move of the Lacroix team, who beat the solid Robineau trio
World Cup La Marseillaise: the brilliant move of the Lacroix team, who beat the solid Robineau trio

If they count in their family the recent European short distance champion and a double winner of the World Cup La Marseillaise (2001, 2017), in this case their uncle Henri Lacroix eliminated this year at the kick-off on Sunday, Angelo (secondary, 29 years old) and Sony Lacroix (midfielder, 32 years old) display the same calm. Above all the same precision in their attempts as their prestigious elder. Atavism, certainly, reinforced by a wide range of qualities.

Because these licensees of Boule-Saint-André-les-Alpes, associated with their brother-in-law Johan Demol (shooter, 32 years old), achieved this Tuesday an XXL format performance, by pinning to their scoreboard in 8th Stéphane Robineau (five stars in La Marseillaise), the triple world champion Michel Loy and the winner of the last edition of this prestigious competition, Mayron Baudino. And, their coup is resounding. Especially since the brothers Lacroix and Demol led the operations with a cohesion that commands respect.Against guys of the calibre of Stéphane, Mayron or Michel, the slightest mistake would be paid for dearly. We didn’t worry about it thoughexplains Sony Lacroix. Our goal was to play with complete peace of mind“His words are easily verified in the facts. Because it quickly becomes a cross and a banner for Mayron Baudino’s trio.

Both Lacroix and Demol put on a show. From the third end, they took off (7-0). Visibly, the complicity between them can be seen in their eyes.We know each other inside out. And we know how to support each other.“, continues cadet Angelo Lacroix. On the other side, we know how to stick together, too. And the Robineau team begins a captivating comeback. The suspense stretches out. Especially when Mayron Baudino concludes the seventh end, by collecting four points. With a goal pointing at 11.50 m. 12-10. The gap is closing.”It was getting tighter. But we always stayed focused.“And Sony Lacroix will bring his final touch, showing stunning skill, on his last ball fired. After confirmation in the quarter-finals, his team heads towards the final four.

No defending champion in the final four

During the third day of the World Cup La Marseillaise played this Tuesday at the Parc Borély, several favorites were left behind. For example, the surprise elimination in the 32nd round of the Puccinelli teams against Molinas and that of Bonetto against Albaladejo. Fifty years after his first success (1974), forty after his first double (1984), Jean-Marc, alias Marco, Foyot titled six times, in the race in the quarter-finals with Cantarell and Chagneau, leaves the scene in the round of 16. And with the failure of Riviera in the quarter-finals overwhelmed (8-13) by Molinas, no title holder has secured his ticket for the semi-finals. The Suchaud and Andriantseheno teams, for their part, will be there for the final four.

TODAY In the main square of Borély Park

Semi-finals from 9:15 a.m.: Suchaud – Andriantseheno then Tierno – Lacroix.

Final from 5:45 p.m.

Free admission.



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