The Cahors Triathlon weekend

The Cahors Triathlon weekend
The Cahors Triathlon weekend

This weekend, it was first our secretary Vincent Cappelle who, after Katia Rougié in 2023, participated this year in the Ultra Marin starting from Sarzeau, a “long distance” trail (105 km with 800 meters of positive elevation gain) around the Gulf of Morbihan in a magnificent setting. Vincent tells us he suffered but still finished his adventure in 12 hours 05 (9 km per hour on average!) and ranks 82nd man and 16th in his M0 category. Well done.

In the Verdon Gorges, Thibault Lallemand and his partner Mélanie completed their challenge by swimming 6 km in 1 hour 29 and 3.5 km in 1 hour 06 respectively in the “Verdon Swim Experience”. Well done to both of them.

Closer to us, in the Gers, at Isle Jourdain, Sébastien Lejeune was registered for the S format (800 m swimming, 20 km cycling and 5 km running) of the “Portes de Gascogne triathlon”. Coming in 113th place in the swimming, he climbed back to 52nd place in the cycling to finish in 48th position after the running race out of 172 participants in 1 hour 20! Superb performance.

Summer is the peak season for triathlons all over France, so have fun racing everyone and make the most of it.



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