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Top 14 Final – Technique. Analysis of Antoine Dupont’s incredible try, the “Special” of the 23rd

Top 14 Final – Technique. Analysis of Antoine Dupont’s incredible try, the “Special” of the 23rd
Top 14 Final – Technique. Analysis of Antoine Dupont’s incredible try, the “Special” of the 23rd

If the final was one-sided, it is also because Toulouse had the merit of killing the match very early, with a try scored by De Dupont at the conclusion of a pure collective masterpiece, both strategic and tactical. It was all a coincidence, as the Stade players mastered this combination to perfection…

There was no real final on the Vélodrome pitch. But all the credit goes to the Toulousains, who in light of their trip to Chaban-Delmas three months ago and the UBB semi-final against Stade Français, had targeted the start as the crucial moment of this match. The one where they would have to strike hard to deny the Girondins any hope, which they achieved beyond their expectations… Having already scored two tries (Dupont 6th, Mauvaka 20th) on their first two forays, the Toulousains definitively wrapped up their 23rd Brennus from the… 23rd minute. A number as symbolic as the action that led to this try.

This combination? We had already observed it on numerous occasions, this one having already resulted in notable tries in the Champions Cup such as that of Lebel against Munster (quarter-final 2022) or, already, of Antoine Dupont (trip at Harlequins this season).

Capture 1.

See capture 1

On a touch in the midfield, the Stade players opt for a 6+1 alignment (ideal for building a maul) and a throw into the back of the touchline, in order to avoid the only Girondin block-jump at the start of the alignment. Lamothe (red circle) is in the relay position, Tameifuna (blue) in that of the lock.

An animation that relies on several assets, starting with the mastery of stealth mauls by the Stade forwards. It is no coincidence that this combination was launched in the final after several good balls carried. A long-term preparatory work that allowed them to deliver the final blow on this movement cleverly triggered by Rodrigue Neti, who knew how to wait for the precise moment when the “guard” Maxime Lamothe found himself isolated, without defensive support inside.

Capture 2.

See screenshot 2

The Toulouse residents build the maul piloted by Neti (green circle, originally in lock). He keeps his head raised with a single objective: to wait for the precise moment when Tameifuna (blue arrow) will join the ball being carried, effectively deserting the inside of Lamothe.

The first step in an action where the famous “situational intelligence” took on its full meaning…

Mauvaka, reading and gestures

Indeed, if the races and the support of all the participants remain previously established, it was still necessary to read the situation accurately and make the perfect gesture.

Capture 3.
Capture 4.

See screenshots 3 and 4

(capture 3) The gap between the maul and Lamothe (pink arrow) is created, but it is still narrow. The objective of the Toulouse combination is first to stretch it, by means of a peel-off which sees Neti (green circle) extract the ball from the carry for the thrower Mauvaka.

(capture 4) Mauvaka’s course (yellow arrow) is fleeting, which naturally attracts his opponent towards the outside (red arrow). It has the effect of starting to widen the interval that the Toulouse residents wish to exploit, at the edge of the ball carried…

An exercise in which Peato Mauvaka, with his support and gestures worthy of a three-quarter center, is a master… In short? On this action, Mauvaka has three options: keep the ball and play his duel, serve his center high and go to support, or give the ball inside.

It goes without saying that at the time, it was the third option that was the obvious choice… This is how Mauvaka, after having intelligently managed to veer his run towards the outside (in order to move Lamothe away from the maul), managed to keep his shoulders perfectly parallel to the lines to accentuate the uncertainty before serving Mallia blindly.

Capture 5.
Capture 6.

See screenshots 5 and 6

(capture 5) Mauvaka (yellow circle) then has two options: serve Chocobares at height (off screen) or the winger Mallia inside him, in this three-meter interval (pink arrow). Note that Dupont, who remained ten meters from the touchline, begins to anticipate his support in the axis of the ball (white arrow).

(capture 6) Chocobares’ call (light blue arrow) attracts the attention of Tatafu but also of Lamothe, wrong-footed by Mauvaka’s blind pass. Mallia (brown arrow) can then rush into the gap, while Dupont (white circle) converges in its direction.

Mallia and Dupont, technique and connection

A fair gesture, made “at the horn” and crowned with a very intelligent game without the ball since after his pass, Mauvaka aimed at Tatafu’s inside shoulder to better act as a “screen body” in front of the number 8 Bordeaux. A detail which later proved essential…

Capture 7.

See screenshot 7

We note here that Mauvaka’s action does not end after his pass, but that the hooker plays the move intelligently by continuing his run to interfere in front of Tatafu (yellow circle). A detail which is very important since it prevents the Bordelais from defending on Dupont (white arrow), served after contact by Mallia despite the return of Lamothe (brown circle).

This sequel? It has already entered posterity, with this sharp run from Mallia which allowed him to attack the interval and play after contact for Dupont, freed from the possibility of Tatafu returning. The feat of the scrum-half of the XV of France cannot be ignored either, who neglected to play two against one with Chocobares to offer himself a little individual pleasure, by hitting over Maxime Lucu to score alone.

Capture 8.
Capture 9.

See screenshot 8

After crossing, Dupont has two possibilities: play 2 against 1 on Lucu with Chocobares (blue arrow), or kick for himself in the free space (black zone). A bit greedy (even if the presence of Tatafu near the potential passing line can also explain it), the Toulouse captain opts for the second option. With the success we know…

See screenshot 9

Once his little overhand was delivered in full flow, Dupont succeeded in anticipating a capricious rebound, by catching the ball with one hand. The winger Bielle-Biarrey and the back Buros (black arrows), who returned in disaster, will be too short to prevent him from scoring. And if they had succeeded, Dupont could still count on three supporters (blue circles) to prolong the movement…

The fact remains that beyond these technical exploits, it is indeed the quality of Toulouse’s entertainment that we wanted to highlight here, and above all this remarkable connection between individuals who have been speaking the same rugby for many years. seasons. With the results that we know, both in terms of accounting and content…



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