“It may seem chauvinistic but one player who stands out in this Euro is Belgian”

“It may seem chauvinistic but one player who stands out in this Euro is Belgian”
“It may seem chauvinistic but one player who stands out in this Euro is Belgian”

The Belgian supporters did not hesitate to show their displeasure at the end of the match against Ukraine (0-0) following the performance of our national team. What do you think of their reaction?

In fact, there are several reasons for their dissatisfaction. Firstly, the game wasn’t fantastic. We can even dare to say that it was bad. Secondly, there is this corner at the end of the match in our favor and we do not really play, to save time. This annoyed the public, who were frustrated at finishing in second place and finding themselves in an unfavorable part of the table. Finally, there are these changes where you feel that Domenico Tedesco wants to secure the result, rather than win.

Do you understand, as a former coach, this strategy of ensuring the zero result at the end of the meeting?

Let’s say that the fear of losing won out over the desire to win.

The Devils were very surprised by the whistles from the Belgian public, Carrasco was even harsh in his remarks: “We don’t understand our fans”

Is there a whiff of crisis blowing over this team?

I wouldn’t go that far. On the other hand, there is something that needs to be rectified directly: communication. The staff and players had to say that they understood the negative reaction of the public. While it is normal that they claim to be happy to qualify, the Devils had to recognize that they had played badly. You should never fight with the supporters, because you need them. You also have to be aware that, in the public, people have left their homes for several days to be there and have made multiple concessions. The important thing now is not to let this drag on and to resolve the situation before the next match.

Tedesco’s decision to put Trossard starter surprised some observers, who would have preferred to see Bakayoko evolve. The change of Tielemans during the match, while he was trying to build the game, also asked question. What do you think of the national coach’s choices during this clash against Ukraine?

We can always discuss the choices of a coach. Let’s remember that we are not in the training camp with the players. After the defeat in the first match against Slovakia, Tedesco had corrected positions by aligning Tielemans and replacing Doku. It had paid off. In this third match, he also tried things but it didn’t work. As for Tielemans’ exit, I think I understand him. He is German, he is young and he probably received data indicating that his midfield was arriving in the red after having already given a lot during the victory against Romania. By putting Mangala in place, he clearly wanted to maintain the result and that angered the supporters. For my part, the only thing I blame him for is his communication. Why not say that he took out a cooked Tielemans to put Mangala in and secure the score?

Overall, what did you think of the Devils’ level in these three matches?

Let’s not lie to ourselves, we expected better. The first match (the defeat against Slovakia, Editor’s note) was ‘normal-bad’, I would say. The Slovaks had studied our strengths and weaknesses well. We let them play and we were surprised. We certainly had bad luck. But as I often explain, you can say that you had bad luck once, twice, but then you can’t always rely on that. In the duel against Romania, Tedesco rectified things. It wasn’t great yet, but we won and things improved. Regarding the third match, what the coach tried didn’t work.

Tedesco Does he have his share of responsibility in this current disappointing course? And is he not protecting his players too much?

Until now, the German had known almost nothing but success. He is therefore facing his first criticisms. He will have to learn from this. Every coach experiences difficulties at one time or another. This was my case, but also that of Marc Wilmots, who had good results before being a little ‘killed’. The big point to work on, I repeat, is communication. It will be important here to reconnect with the public. Concerning the fact that he protects his players, it is normal on the part of a coach. But that does not mean that you should not be open, to the media for example. I was communicative, perhaps sometimes too much (laughter). I also regret what happened with Thibaut Courtois. What bullshit this armband thing is. We could have solved this in a day…

Domenico Tedesco and Kevin De Bruyne criticized: ‘They created this situation’

Domenico Tedesco ©VKA

Did a Devil make a positive impression on you during these first three matches?

Koen Casteels proves himself and has a fantastic tournament. His save during the last match against Ukraine (where he saved a vicious incoming corner, Editor’s note) is incredible. It shows an international level. Next to him, I like the performances of De Bruyne and Lukaku. The latter is criticized but, for me, it requires a lot of work. He has a thankless role and monopolizes two to three defenders on him. He may not be effective yet but we haven’t used his qualities either. I find in particular that we don’t give him enough crosses and that we don’t play the one-two with him enough. He also doesn’t get the right balls to play the percussion. But be careful, he can still finish top scorer in the Euro. A small goal, even a stupid one, could release the pressure he has on him. I note again that Onana has done a good job so far.

Conversely, which Devil disappointed you the most?

There isn’t any in particular. There is too much of a tendency to want to compare our current Devils with the golden generation and that is a mistake. Some players still need to take steps. This is the case for Doku, who has already shown great things but who still has to have very great matches. He has a great future and a lot is expected of him. This reminds me of Eden Hazard who, when he was only 19, I asked to be more efficient, to make a difference. Look at the result… As for Trossard, a little weaker since the start of the tournament, I already find his performance fantastic. We must not condemn him. He had great matches with Arsenal and has already played good matches for the Devils.

Now for the duel against France in the round of 16. What can we hope for against the Blues? What percentage chance do you give to the Belgians?

It’s another match, a final before time. We have to forget our first three performances and tell ourselves that a new tournament is starting. The mental aspect will be important. We’re facing a team that hasn’t yet put in a great performance either. But the French are clearly favourites. I would give the Blues a 70% chance of victory against 30% for the Devils. I note that the French have a cunning Didier Deschamps at their head. He has experience with his twelve years as coach of the Blues. Among the Devils, some old hands also have revenge to take for past failures against their French neighbours.

If you were on the bench as coach again, what tactic would you choose to destabilize this French team ?

We will have to play smart and not repeat the mistakes of the past. At the World Cup in Russia, they put us to sleep. Concretely, it will be necessary to eliminate their forces. By that I mean keeping an eye on Griezmann who loves to slip between the lines and not let himself be surprised by Mbappé’s speed. The key may well be control of the midfield and it will take a good Onana to surround Griezmann.

Besides that, for our part, we will have to highlight our qualities. With the Lukaku-Doku-De Bruyne trio, we have the speed and what it takes to hurt them offensively. Because I think that France’s weak point lies in its defense. The Belgian defenders will also have to be vigilant and not make individual errors. And, finally, why not surprise France like Slovakia did against us?

Didier Deschamps et Kylian Mbappe ©AFP or licensors

“If we win against France, I know we will start from a blank slate”

Like France and Belgium, other great football nations disappoint. This is the case for England or the Netherlands. How can this be explained?

Southgate, the England manager, gets criticism from all sides. But it’s not his fault. The England players are exhausted because of their very demanding championship. The Premier League has cost them a lot of energy. Their star Bellingham, for his part, has played 70 matches for Real this season. That’s huge. Why do you think De Bruyne is doing well in this tournament? Because he was injured for four months and didn’t play all season. You can see that he still has energy to spare.

As far as our Dutch neighbors are concerned, I notice a big change. Before, offense was their strength, but that has reversed. Now it’s the defense, even if it was bad in the last group match against Austria. The Belgian offensive armada has today surpassed that of the Netherlands. Unlike the Devils who are sometimes too timid, the Dutch players have a different mentality and sometimes see themselves as “a little too big”. But they will not win this Euro.

Who do you see emerging in this Euro?

Spain were impressive and fantastic in the group stage playing with their youngsters. But I’m curious to see if they can keep this level over the next three to four matches. Because, at this stage of the competition, the balance of experience and liveliness of the young people is likely to be important.

Afterwards, as I said, a new championship begins. So I’m waiting to see Germany, which hasn’t impressed me yet. France will also have to raise its level to hope for anything. Finally, be careful in Portugal. They have a good team with a great coach, Roberto Martinez, who was criticized a little quickly in Belgium. They produce good results. It remains to be seen how they will manage their “grandpas”, Pepe and Ronaldo, in the rest of the competition.

Which player has stood out since the start of the competition?

This may sound chauvinistic, but I’m quite happy with De Bruyne, even if Belgium hasn’t yet put in a great performance. He’s a winner, a real leader and a great captain. He can be a bit of a moaner, but I love him. Finally, I regret the absence of Courtois, who can win you matches. Even if Casteels has more than responded, we haven’t seen his flaws yet. So I’ll wait and see in the big matches, and that starts on Monday, with France.



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