Top 14 Final. Toulouse – Bordeaux – A player in the match: Antoine Dupont, we call him the UFO

Top 14 Final. Toulouse – Bordeaux – A player in the match: Antoine Dupont, we call him the UFO
Top 14 Final. Toulouse – Bordeaux – A player in the match: Antoine Dupont, we call him the UFO

If Stade Toulouse largely won in the final (59-3), it is obviously largely thanks to a gala Antoine Dupont. Elected man of the match, the scrum-half was simply stratospheric…

And blocked kick (17)e). A kicking game too long in a dead ball (29e). Just to remind us of his human side? For the rest, the Antoine Dupont UFO hovered over the planet Marseille. Once again, as in every important match, these lines could have been written to praise the merits of Jack Willis. The English third row was poison in the rucks while being impactful with the ball in hand. But how can we miss the remarkable performance of the captain of the Rouge et Noir? However, this was rightly said and repeated throughout the week, the Marseille city had nevertheless always refused him with two dark evenings in the Blues jersey.

But this Friday evening, it was a gala Antoine Dupont who performed at 3 boulevard Michelet. Before even entering the pitch to warm up, he beat his teammate Thomas Ramos in a tennis ball played in the locker room. A taste. But what the hell is Antoine Dupont not strong in?

Antoine Dupont during the Top 14 final against UBB.
Icon Sport – FEP

“We knew the qualities of this UBB team. We had targeted the start of the match and we started well in intensity and control. We were good in defense and we quickly took the score. […] This start is almost perfect.”declared the scrum-half on Canal +. So, the captain, from the seventh minute, set the tone. With his team advancing, he himself went to conclude this first Toulouse offensive, resisting three opponents to flatten with force (7e). It was in a more “Toulouse” style that the scrum-half went to the ladies a second time (24e). After a great combination on a touchline, the former CO player made a delicious overhand pass and he magnetized the ball to finish with a beautiful dive in the in-goal area. But what would a Stade Toulousain match be without a decisive pass from “Toto Dupont”? On the second try of the game, he appeared out of nowhere, between the ruck and a Richie Arnold who came to smooth out the ball. His pass was improved by Peato Mauvaka, who went for the try with a big shoulder strike.

I have already achieved much more in my career than I could have imagined as a boy.

At 22-3 at halftime, the match seemed to be over as the second half took place at a false pace. The Toulouse people managed. “We have a young group but we have experience and the experience of these matches, some even have white hairhe recalled after the meeting. We know how to be cool and calm to win these matches.” But there is no need to remind you, Antoine Dupont can, more than anyone, change the rhythm of the meeting with a gesture. His precise kick put Pablo Uberti in difficulty. Under the threat of a 50-22, the Bordelo-Béglais was forced to concede the touch in his 22 meters (51e). Two minutes later, his little kick was recovered by Thibaud Flament but, in the process, his diagonal was intercepted in extremis by Nicolas Depoortere while Pita Ahki was running into the in-goal area.

After the assists, it would not be necessary to start counting his penultimate passes. But the one putting Romain Ntamack in the gap, on Thomas Ramos’ try, was still a treat. In the wake of this fourth try, the Toulousains rolled over their opponents with six tries in 18 short minutes.

Even the departure of Antoine Dupont was notable because the nine went to sit on the substitutes’ bench ten minutes before the end of the match, a very rare occurrence. He obviously had his name chanted by a large part of the 66,000 people who came to the Vélodrome stadium. Toulouse residents, Bordeaux residents too and even supporters of any club could only stand up to express their thanks to the maestro. Before going to raise the Brennushe obviously received the man of the match trophy. “I think that I have already achieved much more in my career than I could have imagined as a boy. You have to achieve but not too much to still have the motivation to go and train”, he concluded at the microphone of the encrypted channel. After a Champions Cup and a Top 14 under his belt, he has not finished this 2024 season. He can still finish it with a gold medal around his neck. But in the meantime, Antoine Dupont’s last image in the championship will be a class gesture. The captain let starters Sofiane Guitoune and Piula Faasalele lift Brennus’ shield first. Classy all the way. Antoine Dupont marched on Marseille.



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