Organization of the Summit for sport and sustainable development on July 25, 2024 in Paris, pre-opening of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Organization of the Summit for sport and sustainable development on July 25, 2024 in Paris, pre-opening of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Organization of the Summit for sport and sustainable development on July 25, 2024 in Paris, pre-opening of the Olympic and Paralympic Games

In this context, the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, will host the Summit in the halls of the Carrousel du Louvre, on the eve of the opening of the Games, on Thursday, July 25 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.:

Sport for sustainable development
Faster, higher, stronger – together
For a better future

This Summit, jointly organized by the IOC and the Presidency of the French Republic, will bring together more than 500 participants – heads of state and government, leaders of international organizations, athletes and representatives of the sports movement (French and international federations, Olympic Movement , associations and entrepreneurs), players in development financing. It is supported by the French Development Agency (AFD) group, which has been strongly engaged since 2018 on these subjects.

These stakeholders will be invited to present their initiatives for sport and sustainable development and to make commitments in five areas – mirroring the Olympic rings: (i) education and employment, (ii) health and nutrition, (iii) equality and inclusion, (iv) financing and impact measurement and (v) sustainability and legacy. The Summit will be broadcast online in French and English on the event website – launching very soon – as well as on the social platforms of the co-organizing partners.

This Summit will contribute to the legacy of the Paris 2024 Games by strengthening and structuring the contribution of sport to the SDGs.

About AFD Group

The AFD Group contributes to implementing France’s policy on sustainable development and international solidarity. Made up of the French Development Agency (AFD), in charge of financing the public sector and NGOs, research and training; its subsidiary Proparco, dedicated to financing and supporting the private sector; and Expertise France, a technical cooperation agency, the Group finances, supports and accelerates the transitions necessary for a more just and resilient world. It is with and for the populations that we build, in conjunction with our partners, shared solutions in more than 150 countries, as well as in 11 French overseas departments and territories. Our objective ? Reconciling economic development and the preservation of common goods: the climate, biodiversity, peace, gender equality, education and even health. Our teams are involved in more than 4,800 projects in the field, thus contributing to the commitment of France and the French to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For a world in common. More information on

Contacts presse

CIO : [email protected]

AFD : [email protected]



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