“It’s called a slip of the tongue,” Patrick Cohen apologizes profusely af…

“It’s called a slip of the tongue,” Patrick Cohen apologizes profusely af…
“It’s called a slip of the tongue,” Patrick Cohen apologizes profusely af…

Friday, June 28, Jackson Richardson, former handball player, was the guest of C à vous, on France 5. After the broadcast of an archive document, Patrick Cohen intervened. But he made a big slip of the tongue…

Every day of the week, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine’s team deciphers political, social and cultural news during a dinner prepared by a chef in It’s up to you. Broadcast from 7pm on France 5, the show receives guests who are in touch with current events. As the legislative elections approach, Gabriel Attal, Rachida Dati, Sébastien Chenu and Roselyne Bachelot were among those present.

Friday, June 29, at the dawn of the weekend, the France 5 crew seemed particularly tired. Jackson Richardson, head of mission of the French delegation for the Olympic Games and legendary handball player in the late 1980s, was invited on the show. Babeth recalled some legendary moments of his career. After the broadcast of an archive document, Patrick Cohen also intervened.

Patrick Cohen : “P*tain !”

“There is a basketball phenomenon which is taking hold throughout France at this time”he said about the time. Continuing on the fact that the notoriety of the team of those who were called “the barjos” exploded at this time. The problem? he was not talking about the right discipline. As Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine corrected, it is indeed handball, and not basketball, which the whole set had been talking about since the beginning of the show: “We’ve been talking about handball for a while now!”she burst out laughing.

“It’s called a slip of the tongue”the journalist corrected himself. Before repeating: “It’s called a slip of the tongue, sorry!” » Afterwards, Patrick Cohen decided to resume his train of thought. But under the unbridled laughter of the other columnists and the presenter, he struggled to concentrate. “Sorry, f*ck! What a slip of the tongue!”he said.

What is the relationship between Patrick Cohen and Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine?

In August 2023,
Patrick Cohen
delivered an interview to Télé Star. He was speaking about the exercise of his profession. “ It is an exercise that requires concentration. I have great freedom in the choice of subjects and their treatment. It is a privilege.”he declared.

He also described his relationship with Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine as “complementary and complicit”.



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