Deschamps announces bad news to Zidane

Deschamps announces bad news to Zidane
Deschamps announces bad news to Zidane

While Zinedine Zidane would like to take over from Didier Deschamps at the head of Les Bleus, the latter does not seem to have decided to let go after the Euro.

If the French team has validated its ticket for the eighth final of Euro 2024, it did not really excite the French supporters. Hooked by Poland (1-1) on Tuesday, Kylian Mbappé and his partners once again lacked skill and efficiency in front of the opposing cage. A story that has been repeated since the start of the tournament and which worries for the future.

Target of criticism, Didier Deschamps was questioned about his future by the German daily Bild. The opportunity for the French coach to recall that he has a commitment with the FFF until 2026, the date on which the next World Cup will take place in North America. “ I have a contract until 2026, that is to say after the World Cup in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Football gave me the freedom to choose what I want to do”said Deschamps, and assured that he will never coach Bayer Munich: “I will never be Bayern coach because I don’t understand German. »

Deschamps does not give up, Zidane will have to wait again

Obviously determined to honor his contract, Didier Deschamps is not helping Zinedine Zidane’s affairs. Still without a club, the former Real Madrid coach dreams of taking over from “DD”. He would also have liked to get his position back at the end of the 2022 World Cup, but his ex-partner with the Blues and Juve was ultimately extended for four more years.

Fully focused on the Euro, Deschamps displayed his ambitions. “Passion and determination: if you win titles, you will want to win more,
he confided. We want to become European champions, which unfortunately we did not manage to do in my time. Winning the title is not my motivation. I have the ambition to maintain the French team at the level where it is today: at the top. »



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