“He would have deserved a Netflix series,” says singer Cali about Christophe Hamacek

“He would have deserved a Netflix series,” says singer Cali about Christophe Hamacek
“He would have deserved a Netflix series,” says singer Cali about Christophe Hamacek

Cali is on tour, in Brussels, but the singer had about twenty minutes to talk about one of his friends: the manager of Stade Langonnais, Christophe Hamacek.

How long have you known each other?

For a long time but I don’t think I could even quantify the years. We met on the road and then we created the brothel football club (RBFC). I follow him everywhere in the clubs he goes to and in recent years, he played my music in the locker rooms, it always touches me.

Don’t you remember your first meeting?

Honestly, I don’t know anymore. And isn’t that the most beautiful thing? Of not remembering and feeling like we’ve always been friends. I know we recognized each other, that’s all.

Can we come back to this Rugby brothel football club… What does it consist of?

It’s something we both created in the middle of the night to get together and party around sport. And as the day after this discussion, it was still valid, we created the association and organized matches with concerts, all for the benefit of associations. Once, we had the Cantona brothers against the Lièvremont family with a football half and a rugby half, there were 3,000 or 4,000 people, it was crazy. Lately, it has been dormant but it needs to be revived.

In the madness genre, had you followed the two consecutive titles at Stade Langonnais?

Obviously I followed. It was amazing, very beautiful. These are real human adventures and Christophe would have deserved a Netflix series on these two incredible seasons.

You have already participated in certain moments of team cohesion, how do you find it with your players?

He is a born leader of men. In my opinion, he could lead the XV of ! What is certain is that he makes you feel like a member of his family with whom you want to build something. He’s someone you want to follow. And very far if necessary.

The two friends, still in the Hamacek establishment where Cali gave a concert in September 2022.

Christophe Hamacek



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