Travelers settle in at the stadium: a town forced to cancel its festivities in Haute-Garonne

Travelers settle in at the stadium: a town forced to cancel its festivities in Haute-Garonne
Travelers settle in at the stadium: a town forced to cancel its festivities in Haute-Garonne


David Saint-Sernin

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 4:53 p.m.

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It was to be a big evening of festivities in Montréjeau, a commune in Haute-Garonne, located southwest of Toulouse.

Monday, June 24, the program was rich with a large bonfire linked to Midsummer’s Day, a torchlight procession, and fireworks…

A big festive evening canceled

Except that the big evening, which was free, was canceled announced by the Montréjeau town hall “for logistical reasons”.

The highly anticipated event was to start at 9:30 p.m., boulevard de Lassus, with the torchlight procession, to end in apotheosis at one of the town’s rugby stadiums, with the burning of the brandon and the toro del fuego .

Occupation of travelers

Except that the rugby field in question has been occupied for several days by travelers. According to our information, several groups have settled on the ground in recent days.

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It is therefore impossible, for security reasons, to maintain the party. “Travelers are stationed where the fire was to be made,” confirms Jean-Pierre Canut, president of the Montréjeau festival committee, Toulouse News. We have known for a few days that our party would probably not be able to take place, and it is therefore confirmed. We considered going, as a fallback, to the lake. But it was too complicated…”.

“It was important to us”

“We had stopped doing the Saint-Jean firebrand for security reasons in the central square of the town. But we relaunched it this year at the rugby stadium. It was an evening organized for families, children… It’s something that was close to our hearts,” explains Toulouse NewsJean-Pierre Canut.

Another big meeting

If this evening is canceled, the inhabitants of the town will be able to make up for it on the last weekend of July with the traditional Montreal summer meeting, namely the
old-style market, which pays homage to the rural world, its customs and customs, and the heritage of the town.

What is the Saint-Jean brand?

As a reminder, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site since 2015, the Saint-Jean brandon is a typical celebration of the Central Pyrenees. The brandon refers more particularly to the large trunks of wood set ablaze on the occasion of these fire festivals.
summer solstice in several villages of Comminges.

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