Christophe Dugarry smashes Kylian Mbappé after his exit on the legislative elections

Christophe Dugarry smashes Kylian Mbappé after his exit on the legislative elections
Christophe Dugarry smashes Kylian Mbappé after his exit on the legislative elections

Kylian Mbappé’s media outing regarding the legislative elections in France is making a lot of waves. And if the captain of the France team received numerous messages of support, some believe that the new Real Madrid player did not choose the right timing to discuss the delicate situation in his country. This is the case of Christophe Dugarry.

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“The elections are on June 30 and July 7. You can talk about it during the week, once your match is over. You don’t have to talk about it the day before the match. Obviously Kylian and the others have the right to express themselves. Afterwards, I honestly think they went too far. There are some sentences that bothered me. There are two. It’s “I hope that I will be proud to wear the France team jersey after July 7”. It’s inappropriate, it’s not the time, you’re not here for that. And the one that bothers me even more is “there are things more important than tomorrow’s game.” » Saying that is not normal. There is nothing more important than tomorrow’s match. Afterwards, what will happen in two or three weeks is something else. I hope that all your life you will be proud (of playing with the French jersey). To say that you think there are things more important than tomorrow’s match… For an international footballer who wears the jersey and armband of the France team, I don’t find that normal. On certain sentences, he went too far in wanting to do too much”he declared on the microphone of RMC Sport.

Pub. THE 06/17/2024 7:02 p.m.
Update 06/17/2024 7:29 p.m.



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