Grenoble – Montpellier – Steeve Blanc-Mappaz: “I am proud of having experienced this adventure”

Grenoble – Montpellier – Steeve Blanc-Mappaz: “I am proud of having experienced this adventure”
Grenoble – Montpellier – Steeve Blanc-Mappaz: “I am proud of having experienced this adventure”

Particularly moved after his last match in the Alpine jersey, Steeve Blanc-Mappaz nevertheless retained the immense pride of having shared “a human adventure with his brothers” rather than the regrets of not having been able to kill the match at the start of the match. second period.

Hell was predicted for you… How did you approach this match?

What was important to us was our history. What we were going to put there, the memory we were going to leave between us. In these last matches, unfortunately, we only remember the result over time. We just wanted to let go of everything. Despite our defeat in the final, we still had the chance to make the club’s history… that will not be the case. When you fail at two points, there are inevitably a lot of regrets, but above all I want to remember the pride of having experienced this adventure.

In the end, do you feel like you were the victim of a hold-up, after leading until three minutes from time?

I wouldn’t call it a hold-up… Montpellier was a pragmatic team, which knew how to keep its back. We weren’t able to kill the match, as we often do this season, especially in the final. I remember this action at the start of the second half, where we crossed, but where we failed close to the line… It’s another opportunity that we didn’t put to the bottom, like last week… When they came to our camp, they took the points and mastered their subject, even if I think that we did what was necessary to put them in difficulty.

What are your thoughts on your team’s season, straight away?

It was a human adventure that I had the chance to share with my friends, my brothers… We went through all the emotions, we always coped. After this lost final, we managed to remobilize even though the poster was still impressive… We responded. After this match, I remember the love I have for them.



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