Concern grows around Axel Witsel, but Koen Casteels puts things into perspective – All football

Concern grows around Axel Witsel, but Koen Casteels puts things into perspective – All football
Concern grows around Axel Witsel, but Koen Casteels puts things into perspective – All football

There is not only a chance, but even a high probability that we start the Euros on Monday with a Castagne-Faes-Debast-De Cuyper back line. Two days have passed since the arrival in Ludwigsburg and Axel Witsel is still training individually…

The aforementioned back line together totals 68 caps. Jan Vertonghen has 154, Axel Witsel 132, Thomas Meunier 66. Suffice to say that the Red Devils are likely to lack a little experience against Slovakia.

Axel Witsel will in theory resume group training this week, but no risks will be taken with him. Just like with Vertonghen and Theate. They remain important for the rest of the Euro.

This does not facilitate automation either. De Cuyper, Faes, Debast and Castagne would form an unprecedented defensive line at the start of a match. “During the friendly matches, we already had to deal with different people,” commented the goalkeeper Koen Casteels shrugging the shoulders.

“In principle, it’s not a problem, because everyone receives the same tasks. This is one of the great qualities of the coach’s system”, specifies the Devils goalkeeper.

“For me as a goalkeeper it’s also easier, because everyone knows what they have to do and that doesn’t change. So it doesn’t matter what name is in front of me.”

A nice explanation, but the inexperienced defense will still be tested. And which of the two right-footed central defenders should play on the left? We know that Debast is less comfortable there. During the match, the defense could possibly increase to three in order to offer more flexibility. But it looks a lot like DIY…



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