OM close to an agreement with Genoa for the transfer of Vitinha (and for a nice sum)

OM close to an agreement with Genoa for the transfer of Vitinha (and for a nice sum)
OM close to an agreement with Genoa for the transfer of Vitinha (and for a nice sum)

According to Fabrizio Romano and Gianluca Di Marzio, and confirmed by RMC Sport, OM are on the verge of reaching an agreement with Genoa for the permanent transfer of Vitinha. Loaned last winter to the Genoese club by Marseille, the Portuguese striker will be the subject of a transfer estimated at 15 million euros.

He had become one of the symbols of the failures of the OM transfer window. Bought for 32 million euros from Braga in the summer of 2023, Vitinha never managed to establish himself on the front of the Marseille attack. Willful but clumsy, the Portuguese striker seemed to drag the weight of the amount of his transfer as his opportunities were wasted. Author of only 2 goals during his first season, the player trained in Braga will score 4 during the first part of the 2023/2024 season.

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Two goals scored with Genoa

Insufficient to keep him in the Marseille ranks. At the end of the winter transfer window, Vitinha was loaned to Genoa at the start of the year. A Serie A club in which he has not regained his sense of goal (2 goals) but where his contribution seems to have convinced.

According to Fabrizio Romano and Gianluca Di Marzio, and confirmed by RMC Sport, Genoa and OM are on the verge of reaching an agreement for a definitive transfer worth 15 million euros. An agreement accompanied by a buyout clause for the Marseille club.

Present in an expanded list of Fernando Santos’ Portugal for the 2022 World Cup, Vitinha was ultimately not included in the final selection. The center forward, former U23 international (10 caps, 4 goals), is still looking for a cap with Portugal, he who was not selected by Roberto Martinez for Euro 2024.

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