Boost your motivation thanks to the techniques of high-level athletes –

Boost your motivation thanks to the techniques of high-level athletes –
Boost your motivation thanks to the techniques of high-level athletes –

Discover how the motivational techniques used by high-level athletes can be integrated into your routine, to improve your performance, and achieve – we hope – lots of great victories every day.

In this 3rd episode of our SportxPsy series, the coaches of Friborg Olympic Basket and the Tudor cycling team discuss their methods for motivating athletes, such as setting up motivation rituals, setting clear objectives for them, but also using music to boost their energy. So much advice that can also be applied in our everyday lives.

Establish morning rituals

Like athletes before a competition, incorporate morning routines that prepare you mentally and physically for your day, such as meditation, stretching, or repeating positive affirmations.

To fix objectives

Top athletes are guided by well-defined objectives. Apply this method by setting clear, achievable goals for your career, health, or hobbies.

Use music to boost your energy

Music plays a crucial role in motivating athletes, in particular thanks to its impact on the release of dopamine, which increases pleasure and concentration. Create a playlist that motivates you and use it when you’re low on energy or during your work sessions.

Report Célia Rossier

The secrets of motivation, in effort and in life / SportxPsy / 12 min. / May 2, 2024

>> Also read: The secrets of ultra-trailers to overcome pain during exercise



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