Jegou – Auradou affair. Didier Codorniou, candidate for president of the FFR, wants to sanction the two players after the setbacks in Argentina

Jegou – Auradou affair. Didier Codorniou, candidate for president of the FFR, wants to sanction the two players after the setbacks in Argentina
Jegou – Auradou affair. Didier Codorniou, candidate for president of the FFR, wants to sanction the two players after the setbacks in Argentina

Didier Codorniou, candidate for the presidency of the FFR, wants Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou to be sanctioned by the Federation after the excesses in Argentina during the XV of tour. And this, whatever the legal outcome of the case where the two players are still indicted for aggravated rape.

Zero tolerance: Didier Codorniou, candidate for president of the FFR, (elections on October 19) wants Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou to be sanctioned by the French Rugby Federation, after the events that occurred in Argentina during the last tour of the XV of France. If the former French international does not comment on the legal aspect, he regrets the night outing of the two young tricolors in a bar then in a nightclub in Mendoza, the evening of the French victory against the Pumas, on July 6 .

“There were two players who wore the French team jersey and who came home drunk at five in the morninghe declared to our colleagues at AFP. They must be punished, even if the punishment must be gradual”and this, whatever the legal outcome of the case, where Auradou and Jegou are still indicted for aggravated rape, even if the Mendoza public prosecutor’s office has filed a request to dismiss the case.

I totally disagree with an immediate recovery

The position taken by “little prince“(31 selections in Blue) contrasts with that of president-candidate Florian Grill, who refused to sanction the two players for their night out, due to the absence of precise rules during the tours of the XV of France. This same Florian Grill which has also announced a stricter framework for the French teams in the future. “The brand of the French team has been tainted throughout this summer”replies Codorniou, clearly behind the current president in our last consultation of the clubs.

Still during the interview with AFP, Didier Codorniou assured that he had spoken with Bernard Pontneau and Vincent Merling, the presidents of the Section and Stade Rochelais, to confide to them his disagreement with the resumption of the competition of young internationals. Accusing the Federation of not being “up to par” about the Auradou’s comeback on the pitches of the Top 14he specifies: “I explained myself with the two presidents of Pau and to tell them that I totally disagree with an immediate resumption, and I would have liked the Federation to be able to sanction as it should.”

If Auradou has returned to competition, Oscar Jegou has not yet played again in La Rochelle colors. The third row returned to training at the end of September, but the yellow and black club should not call on him before the possible total dropping of the charges, a decision which could take place on October 18. Let us also remember that Melvyn Jaminet was suspended for 34 weeks by the FFR pour “undermining the best interests of rugby”, after the racist video published on social networks that same night of July 6.



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