Isle-Jourdain. The Fête des ondes, a beautiful radio day

Isle-Jourdain. The Fête des ondes, a beautiful radio day
Isle-Jourdain. The Fête des ondes, a beautiful radio day

Saturday, Radio Fil de L’Eau and La MJC Maisoun organized a day to discover the world of radio. All of the animations broadcast live on the airwaves will soon be podcastable. Artificial Intelligence as the theme chosen for the workshops and the round table was debated with five distinguished guests. They brought their points of view and expertise on this technology, on its operation, its issues and the challenges to be met, particularly in terms of youth education. The round table, rich in discussions with the public, addressed some concerns such as “the great replacement” that a technology like this could bring about, or the loss of the ability to think in a world where the use of AI to find an answer or a solution would become widespread.

The organizing team thanks the speakers: Julien Paugam and Clément Viel, facilitators in media and information education (EMI) at the Synapses association; Claudine Teyssedre, librarian at the Lycée Joseph Saverne; Luc Truntzler, researcher and lecturer in the field of robotics; Aksel Attou, doctor of neuroscience, teacher of osteopathy.

The day ends in silence

Radio entertainment was then offered. The kingfishers recorded live, Jean Claude Ulian offered a conference on the history of jazz and French song, Sylvie Bénito and Pierre Colin read texts by Raymond Devos to music. An “open mic” allowed people to try the experience of recording live a cappella songs, poems… The “sound nap” corner welcomed those who wanted to relax, chat to the sound of musical mixes provided by Alex VRC… The evening started with a blind musical aperitif, before giving way to Mus’traveler, five young people from Lislo who performed pop-rock covers. Finally, La Peau de l’Ours closed this beautiful radio day in style by making the audience dance.



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