the French press ecstatic about the arrival of the Olympic flame in Marseille

the French press ecstatic about the arrival of the Olympic flame in Marseille
the French press ecstatic about the arrival of the Olympic flame in Marseille

The fanfare welcome of the Olympic flame Wednesday evening in Marseille.
Denis Balibouse / REUTERS

If the international press gave very little coverage to the event, the French newspapers highlighted the spectacular nature of the events and the feeling of a careful celebration.

The surprise appearance of Jul as the last torchbearer to light the Olympic cauldron may have surprised Wednesday evening in Marseille, but the French press gave a particularly positive response this Thursday morning on the festivities linked to the arrival of the Olympic flame on French territory . Throughout the day, spectacular images followed one another, between the Belem maritime parade in the bay of France’s second city, its entry into the Old Port between fireworks and the Patrouille de France show, then the descent of Florent Manaudou on French soil.

“Successful bet for the Marseille city”ignites South Westwhich advances as the day “will be a landmark in the history of Marseille as well as that of the Olympic Games”. The world also shows himself to be dithyrambic by emphasizing “a flawless performance to celebrate the arrival in France of the Olympic flame”. Provence describes the event as “Historic”, and states that “the Games are launched” after a day spent in “a crazy atmosphere”.

The headlines of Provence this Thursday, May 9.

Throughout the day, more than 150,000 people including “families, kids, older people” were mainly present to attend the festivities, “to enjoy the Provençal sun and local entertainment” as reported The Parisian. The Belem maritime trip impressed the special envoy of the Figarowho describes it as a “meticulous choreography, for a myriad of hulls accompanied by a smiling weather forecast and a complicit mistral“. “The Games project is, for a day bathed in sunshine, taken out of offices, boxes, meetings and think tanks to take action», We can also read.

Belem is majestic on the front page of Le Figaro this Wednesday.
Le Figaro

“The incessant ballet of the public contrasts with the Olympian calm of Fort Saint-Jean adjoining the Mucem, continues the daily life. The forty minutes between the harbor and the beating heart of the city were extraordinarily rich in emotion.” “A grandiose maritime parade”advance The Marseillaise.

Rapper Jul on the front page of La Marseillaise.
The Marseillaise

The main question of the day concerned the identity of two of the three bearers of the Olympic flame apart from Florent Manaudou, first to set foot on French soil on a floating athletics track, installed for the occasion. The swimmer passed the baton to Paralympic champion Nantenin Keïta, Paralympic champion in the 400 meters at the 2016 Summer Paralympics in Rio. The last torchbearer then took off his hood, causing astonishment in the Old Port. “(Jul) collected the flame by making the hand sign that made it popular. A surprise then the name of Zinédine Zidane was circulating in the afternoon”remember The voice of the North. The end of the day concluded with a concert by Alonzo and Soprano at nightfall.

La Belem accompanied by more than a thousand boats on the front page of L’Équipe.
The Team

Low international interest

However, as recalled The worlddifficult to say that Marseille was faithful to its “title of “center of the world” for a day”. Abroad, reactions are few or even non-existent in the main press titles, such as in Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia or India.

In Japan, where the Olympic spirit is particularly strong, the Yomiuri shinbun relates the “paroxysm of crowd excitement” when a popular local singer (Jul, Editor’s note) received the torch and lit the cauldron of the torch.” The BBC highlights the “6000 law enforcement officers” deployed in the Phocaean city and recalls that the government “raised its security threat level last October aftera teacher (Dominique Bernard, Editor’s note) was killed in a stabbing attack.



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