something new in the seizure of the stadium and the club’s real estate

A few days ago, A-CAP and Bruno Venanzi reached an agreement regarding the various disputes between them. An agreement which is likely to lift the seizure of the Standard’s shares allowing, on a legal level, the sale of the latter. But other disputes concerning Number 16 were still ongoing. These were the legal actions taken by the architectural firm (Assar) commissioned for the renovation of the stadium on the one hand, and the former CEO of the club, Alexandre Grosjean, on the other. There is something new there too.

As a reminder, as we exclusively revealed to you last July, the Assar firm, which claimed €3.2M, had the stadium, surrounding land and facilities on rue de la seized by the Liège Court of First Instance. Central, i.e. 20 properties in total, also as a precautionary measure. Also, in 2023, the former CEO of the club, Alexandre Grosjean, also took legal action for non-payment of his entire notice period. An amount was also confined a few months ago to a third party account while Standard, at the insistence of Bruno Venanzi against whom 777 Partners had turned, appealed. An appeal also lodged by Number 16 in the context of the seizure of the stadium and which must be judged during the month of October. It is our opinion that the purpose of these two disputes, namely the amounts to be paid and who will have to pay them, is also part of the overall agreement.

Exclusive: the Standard stadium seized by its creditors!



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